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Chriſt the Saviour of the world.

great love of God to a loſt world, in providing a Saviour, and ſuch a Saviour for them, even his own Son. The Scripture ſpeaks of this in a very high ſtrain, John iii. 16. 'God ſo loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,' &c. There was a man-love in God, Titus iii. 4. 'But the kindneſs and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared:' A love of the kind, mankind. It has appeared in two eminent inſtances, (1.) In ſecuring, by an irreverſible decree, the ſalvation of ſome of them. (2.) In providing a Saviour for the whole of the kind, conſtituting his own Saviour to the loſt family of Adam indefinitely. Believe it with application to yourſelves. If upon this a ſecret murmer begins to go through your heart, But it was not for me; cruſh it in the bud, for it is a bud of hell. If you are not one of the devil kind, but of ſinful mankind, it was for you. The Father gave Chriſt a Saviour for you, that if you would believe on him, you ſhould not periſh; he ſent his Son from heaven with full inſtructions and ample powers to ſave you, if you will believe. And is not this love? Believe it and it will be the way to let you into a ſight of more love.

2. Behold here a broad and firm foundation of faith for all and every one of you; that you may come to Chriſt, whatever your caſe is, and claim his righteouſneſs and his whole ſalvation for yourſelves, to him as the