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Chriſt the Saviour of the world.

refuge appointed for you by the Father from ſin and wrath, with as much freedom as a ſtung Iſraelite might have looked to the brazen ſerpent: That you may wholly truſt on him, that he will ſave you from ſin and wrath. For he was ſent of the Father Saviour of the world; and if, by the Father's appointment, he is Saviour of the world, he is, by office, your Saviour and my Saviour, ſince we are members of that world of mankind: ſo that we may, by faith, claim his ſaving us from ſin and wrath; as a ſcholar bred in a place, may claim teaching of him who is appointed maſter of a free ſchool in that place; as thoſe of a congregation may claim preaching of their own miniſter, and as the wounded in battle may claim healing of their own phyſician, who has a commiſſion to be phyſician to their regiment. For we teſtify, that the Father ſent the Son Saviour of the world.

3, Sinners, living in their ſins, pining away, and about to periſh eternally in them, are without excuſe. For, 'we teſtify, that the Father has ſent the Son Saviour of the world.' John xv. 22. 'If I had not come and ſpoken unto them, they had not had ſin: But now they have no cloke for their ſin.' Sinners are deſtroyed with their living and raging luſts, they are run down with them as with running ſores, their ſouls are bleeding to death with them as with mortal