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Chriſt the Saviour of the world.

3. Christ was ſent Saviour of the world from heaven's proper motion. The plot to ſave man, was concerted entirely without him. The world did not meet, and ſend one to the court of heaven, with a petition for a Saviour, that a Saviour was granted to their earneſt entreaties and ſupplications: But the Father, of preventing free love, ſent his Son, Saviour of the world. The world's need ſpoke loud, but they themſelves were quite ſilent; and yet their needs ſpoke no louder than thoſe of the fallen angels: And ſovereign free grace heard the voice of man's needs, while it ſtopt its ears to the voice of the needs of fallen angels Tit. iii. 4. 'But the kindneſs and love of God our Saviour towards men appeared.'

4. Chriſt is fully furniſhed for the ſaving of a loſt world. His being ſent in that character, ſpeaks his ability to anſwer it, Heb. vii 25. 'Wherefore he is able to ſave them to the uttermoſt, that come unto God by him, ſeeing he ever liveth to make interceſſion for them.' There is no caſe to be found in the world, but what there is a remedy to be found in Chriſt for. Whoſoever in the world ſhall die, they ſhall not die becauſe there was no help for their caſe in the Saviour, but becauſe they did not employ him or put their caſe in his hand. The Saviour of the world is certainly able to ſave the world; ſince he was ſent of God in that character.