Page:Columbus and other heroes of American discovery; (IA columbusotherher00bell).pdf/23

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from the Ohio—Cannibalism among the Natives—The Apostle of the Indians—Across
the Prairies to Lake Michigan—Through Illinois to the Mississippi—Up
the Mississippi to the Minnesota—The Head-waters of the Minnesota—The
primal Home of the Red River of the North, the St. Lawrence, etc.—Up
the Red River to Lake Winnipeg—From Lake Winnipeg to the Lake of
the Woods, and thence across Country to Lake Superior—Schoolcraft's Ascent
of the Mississippi, and Discovery of its actual Source. 233


Wilkes' Survey of the Western Coast—Fremont's Ascent of the Kansas—Encounter
with Arapaho Warriors—Arrival at Fort Laramie—A threatening Letter—Fremont's
Reply—On the Sweet Water River—Discovery of Mountain Lake
and Fremont's Peak—A winged Messenger—Back to Fort Laramie—To the
Rocky Mountains again—On the Banks of the Bear River—Discovery of the
Great Salt Lake—Embarkation on the Lake—Sudden Change in the Character
of its Waters—From the Salt Lake through the Great Basin to Fort Hall and
thence to the Columbia River—Attempt to return Home by a New Route—Lost
in the Wilderness—Discovery of Lake Tlamath—Search for an Opening in
the Mountains—Discovery of Pyramid Lake—Meeting with Snake Indians—Hunger—Salmon
discovered in a River flowing into the Lake—News of White
Men on the South—All Hope of reaching United States abandoned—Fremont
resolves to cross the Sierra Nevada—First Peak scaled—Meeting with Indians—A
Gap in the Mountains discovered at last—Ascent of the Californian
Mountain—Opening a Path through the Snow—A terrible Prophecy—Flight of
Guide—First Sight of Seaboard Range of Mountains—Intense Excitement—Down
the Eastern Slopes of the Californian Mountain to the Banks of the
Sacramento—Arrival at Sutter's Fort—Back to St. Louis by way of the South
Pass—Fremont's third and last Journey. 240


Early History of the Mormons—Murder of Smith—Expulsion from Illinois—Across
the frozen Mississippi—Through the Wilderness—Summons to the War—Young
Men sent to the Aid of the Republic—Arrival on the Shores of the
Great Salt Lake—Building of Salt Lake City—Expedition of Stansbury—California
ceded to the States—Discovery of Gold near Sutter's Fort—World-wide
Excitement—Rush of 30,000 Emigrants Westward—Terror of Indians at