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"The FBI in late December" -- well, I'll let you get a copy, if we've got one.

Do we have a copy of that? It's right here? Okay.

Let me just read it, Director.

"The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian Ambassador to the United States and retired General Mike Flynn, the National Security Advisor to then-President-elect Trump, but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian Government, U.S. officials said."

And all I'm asking is, is that accurate?

Mr. Comey. Can I look at the article, Mr. Jordan?

Mr. Jordan. I'm sorry.

Mr. Comey. Yeah, I don't think I can answer that question, Mr. Jordan, because the answer calls for classified information.

Mr. Jordan. It "has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian Government exist." You can't say whether that's accurate or not?

Mr. Comey. I can't.

Mr. Jordan. Okay.

And then later down, the fourth paragraph, the paragraph that begins "Although Flynn's contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak," after the comma, it says, "Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said."

Is that accurate?