Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/190

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Scene VII. Nikíta (alone. Rising).

Nikíta. How can I go? How can I look into their faces? How can I look into her eyes? (Again lies down.) Oh, if there were a hole in the ground, I would go through it. People would not see me, and I would not see them. (Again gets up.) I will not go— To perdition with them! I will not go. (Takes off his boots and picks up the rope; makes a noose of it, and puts it around his neck.) That's what I will do.

Scene VIII. Nikíta and Matréna. (Nikíta sees his mother, takes off the rope, and lies down in the straw again.)

Matréna (running up out of breath). Nikíta, O Nikíta! I declare, he does not answer. Nikíta, are you drunk? Come, Nikíta, come! The people are waiting for you.

Nikíta. What have you done with me? I am no longer a man.

Matréna. What is the matter with you? Go, my dear, and bless them in all honour, as is proper: The people are waiting for you.

Nikíta. How can I bless them?

Matréna. As usual. Don't you know how?

Nikíta. I know, I know. Whom shall I bless? What have I done with her?

Matréna. What have you done? There you are again at it! Nobody knows about it: neither cat nor kit nor the pope knows it. The girl is marrying of her own will.

Nikíta. How of her own will?

Matréna. She is marrying through fear. Anyway she is marrying. What is to be done? She ought to have thought in time. Now she can't refuse. There is no