Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/191

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offence to the suitors. They saw the girl twice and they get the money. Everything is in tip-top shape.

Nikíta. And what about the cellar?

Matréna (laughing). The cellar? In the cellar there are mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes, I suppose. What is the use of thinking of the past?

Nikíta. I should like not to think of it, but I can't. Every time I think of it, I hear it. Oh, what have you done with me?

Matréna. Don't act the fool!

Nikíta (lying down, face downward). Mother! Don't torment me! I am sick of it all!

Matréna. But you must go. The people are talking as it is, and now the father goes away and does not dare bless them. They will begin to put things together. They will figure it all out. The moment you are slow they will begin to guess. Put on a good face and they will receive you with grace. Above everything else, my son, don't be timid, or they will make it out at once.

Nikíta. Oh, you have entangled me!

Matréna. Stop that! Come with me! Go and bless them! Do everything in proper shape, and that will be the end of it.

Nikíta (still lying face downward). I cannot.

Matréna (aside). What has happened? Everything was going well, and suddenly this has come over him. He must be bewitched. Nikíta, get up! See, Anísya has left the guests and is coming this way

Scene IX. Nikíta, Matréna, and Anísya.

Anísya (dressed up, red in her face, under the influence of liquor). Everything is going so well, mother! So well and honourably! And how satisfied the people are!—where is he?