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Top ornament 2 comus
Top ornament 2 comus

the Præſident of Wales
at Ludlow, 1634.

The firſt Scene diſcovers a wild wood.

The attendant Spirit deſcends or enters.

BEfore the ſtarrie threſhold of Ioves Court
My manſion is, where thoſe immortall ſhapes
Of bright aëreall Spirits live inſphear'd
In Regions mild of calme and ſerene aire,
Above the ſmoake and ſtirre of this dim ſpot
Which men call Earth, and with low-thoughted care
Confin'd, and peſter'd in this pin-fold here,
Strive to keepe up a fraile, and feaveriſh being
Vnmindfull of the crowne that Vertue gives
After this mortall change to her true Servants
Amongſt the enthron'd gods on Sainted ſeats.
Yet ſome there be that by due ſteps aſpire
