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THE GUN THAT WENT. TO AFRICA Above cut shows the finest gun. that went to Africa with the Roosevelt party, selected because the 1909 Ithaca lock is the simplest and only nnbreakable lock; it operates in 1-625 of a second, twice as fast as other locks. Warranted to out-shoot any other make. Remember we make dainty little 20 gage guns. Catalog FREE. 18 grades, $17.75 net, to $300 list. ITHACA GUN CO., ITHACA, N. Yo ?'?HE ? Model 1895 Re?ea6n? Rifle is the ,? I?st all-around rbqe ever made. With the .:52-40 high ?ower cartti&e this gun b unsul'pas?d lot shoo6ng dee?, antelope, moose, mountale ?,'ep, wi.'.id g.oa.ts, elk, caribou, hear, etc.; and with the .32-40 short range carmdge ?t Is a safe rifle for ?ettled country where wood- chucks, foxes, badgers, etc., afford good sport. XVith the ?'?'a'z'? s?d ton and the ? side ejec6on, the ?895 ? Re?eater ?s a rifle that cannot Jail to ?ive ?atiJaction. ?aln, fleet, snow or other forelgu matter cannot reach the ac6on I the ever movement isshon and easy; the aim is unspoiled i? rapid shoofag. ?horo are hundreds of valuable poluter? for every up-to-date shooter. ws well ws a tull description of ?11 ? rOpeatom,rifles and shotguns. in the handsome 136-p?go" ? Book." FHEE for 3 stampn p0?tag0. I lVew I?raven, Conn. BooI?s and Magazine? -- Especially -- ]Sirel Publications Oologists and Taxidermists Instruments. Finley's American Birds ?! 45 tteathered Game o! the Northeast--Rich - 2 9o Forest and Stream and New Subscription to Condor ....... 3 60 Four selected sizes Cut-Lining l?gg Drills x oo PROMPT ?UOTATIONS. I?ISTS FOR ASKING. BENJAHIN HOAG ?teplxe?towm New York The Condor management wishes to ex- change for or purchase any numbers of the Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club or Condor, Vols. I, II and III. Address, W. LEE CHAMBERS, Santa Monica, California.