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84 THE CONDOR VoL. XII The following officers were duly elected to serve during 1910; President, G. I?rean Mor- corn, Vice-president, H.J. Lelande, Secretary, J. E. Law, Treasurer, W. Lee Chambers. A communication from Joseph Grinnell re- lating to the revision of the "List of Birds of the Pacific Slope of Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia", wherein a proposed plan for such re- vision was suggested, was read and discust. Upon motion of Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. O. W. Howard and duly carried, the Presi- dent appointed a committee of three consisting of Messrs. Robertson, Willerr and Miller to devise a plan for the revision of the aforesaid list and submit the same for consideration at the February meeting. Mr. A.M. Ingersoll spoke of the collecting of various species of the rarer birds of San Diego County, notably the Black Rail, and after informal discussion the meeting ad- journed. HOWARD ROBERTSON, Secretary pro tern. FEBRVAR.--The February mee[i'ng of the St)uthern Division of the Cooper Club was held on Thursday evening, February 24, 1910, at Room 1, City Hall, Los Angeles. The meeting was called to order by President Morcom, with the following members present:--Messrs.

Childs, Lelande, Willerr, Robertson, Miller, 

Owen, Davis, Antonin Jay, Alphonse Jay, Chamberlain, Perez, Shepherdson, Van Ros- sem, Blain, Peyton, Osburn, Law, and with Howard Peyton, ab visitor. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved. On motion by Mr. Willerr, seconded by Mr. Miller? and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present, electing to active mem- bership Mr. Gaylord K. Snyder. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Willerr, and duly carried, the resignations of Messrs. Lester Black and C. H. Gilbert, were accepted with regret. The following applications for membership were presented by W. Lee Cham- bers: Bradford Torrey, Santa Barbara, Cali- fornia, H. C. Burt, Santa Paula, California, John C. Fortiner, Jr., Brawley, California. On motion by Mr. Robertson,, seconded by Mr. Chamberlain, and duly carried, the Southern Division approved the election of Dr. J. A. Allen to honorary membership in the Club. Mr. Robertson, Chairman of the Committee appointed at the last meeting to consider the matter of publishing a new bird list for Southern California, reported that the Commit- tee recommended a new list to comprise all. that portion of Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, San Bernardino, and River- side counties which are on the Pacific Slope of the coast ranges; and to include the islands along the coast of these counties; that the list be segregated, one covering lowland birds, con- cerning which we have liberal data, and a supp)ementary list comprising the high moun- tain birds; the list not to be annotated as com- plet.ely as Grinnell's San Bernardino list; and that the compilation be put in the hands of one person. The list, when completed, to be submitted to the Southern Division for discus- sion; and, when approved, to be issued as one of the Avifauna series of the Cooper Club. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Miller, and duly carried, it was decided to "compile such a list in accordance with the above suggestions. On motion by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Alphonse Jay, and duly carried, the task of compiling such list was assigned to Mr. George Willerr. Mr. Willerr, in accepting this undertaking, said that he would expect to call on any and all Club mem- bers for all the data of value that they had, and intended to spend some time with each one going over his collection for data of value. Mr. Willerr expects that at least a year will be required in getting together sufficient data, and reviewing literature, and asks that each Club member begin right now and collect specific data with regard to migration and nesting habits for the coming season. We are particu- larly lacking in dates of migration and breeding. Mr. Robertson, reporting with regard to the progress of the Southern California Museum to be erected in Agricultural Park, outlined the policy to be pursued by the Board of Super- visors, and said that the charge of the Museum would be placed in the hands of a Board of Governors to consist of nine members, to be elected by specified organizations, of which the Cooper Club was to be one. The Couuty will make a liberal appropriation, ?upplying all equipment necessary, provide curators, etc., and will expect the Southern Division of the Cooper Club to take charge of the Ornithologi- cal Exhibit. On motion by Mr. Lelande, seconded by Mr. Willett, and duly carried, the President ,and Secretary were authorized to sign the agreement with the Board of Super- visors of Los Angeles County accepting this proposition. On motion by Mr. Lelande, seconded by Mr. Miller, and duly carried, Mr. Howard Robertson was appointed the repre- sentative of the Cooper Club on the Board of Governors for 1910. On motion by Mr. Willerr, seconded by Mr. Chamberlain, and unanimous- ly carried, a vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Robertson for his interest and activity in procu?iug so satisfactory an arrangement for the bird exhibit. Dr. John Hornung exhibited a small series of Mexican bird skins, altho he himself was not able to be present. Ad- journed. J. E. LAw, Secrelary.