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CONTENTS Frontispiece: Inattentive--XVhite-faced Glossy Ibises at Laguna Bianca ............. .............................................................................................. F?. Leon Dawson 4 Direct Approach as a Method in Bird Photography (with eight photos) ............................................................................................ ?. Leon Dawson 5 Notes on the Derby Flycatcher .................................. 2qdriaan van Rossera II Some Notes on the Nesting of the Sharp-shinned Hawk {with eight photos) ................................................................ Henry f. Rust 14 The People's Bread--A Critique of "Western Bird Guide" IF. Leon Dawson 24 A Second List of the Birds of the Berkeley Campus ........................... /osepli Grinnell 28 FROM FIELD AND STUDY: Some Notes on Sea Birds from Los Angeles County, California Loye ,?riller 40 A New Record for Oregon ..................... IF. Leon Dawson 41 Occurrence of the IVhite-tailed Kite in Central Californ/a ........ J. Grinnell 41 Vermilion Flycatcher in the San Diegan District ............... ?. t?. Judson 41 A Second Nest of the Sierra Nevada Rosy Finch ................. F?. Leon Dawson 41 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEVS ................................................ 42 COMMUNICATION---A Collector in South America _.R.H. t?eck 42 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ___ 43 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB ?IEETINGS .................................................... 46 Sintered as second-class matter February. 1908, at the post office nt Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California. under Act of Con,tess of March 3. 1879. Issued from the Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building, Hollywood, Cal. Avifauna Numb? 9 is new ready for dist:ibuti0n. 11vifauna Number 10 is in press. In the past it has been customary. for the management to send all Avi- faunas free to members in good standing. This worked nicely enough until we began to print so many that it became a serious drain upon the pocket-books of the few members who were called upon each time for donations. From now on we will sell p blications according to the plan given below. We are not going to refuse any donations even now, and, occasionally, will seek them. To any one caring to make a donation to the Avifauna fund, we can give assurallce that it will be carefully used for the good of the cause and will be very nluch appreciated. ?Ve are going to adopt the following policy: Avifaunas will be sold to members at ONE-HALF THE REGULAR advertised selling prices. Back volumes of THE CONDOR will be sold to Cooper Club members at 25? dis- count froin the regular advertised selling prices. The proceeds of the sale of these back publications will constitute a fund for the printing of more Avifaunas. We believe this plan will work out with a fairness to all concerned,and we expect our Club members to complete their files of the Club's publications while these are obtain- able. Some are very scarce now and will soon be out of print. Address W. LEE CHAMBERS, Busilyess Manager, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California YOUR 1914 DUES ARE NOW PAYABLE and we ask you to send then] direct to J. EUGENE LAW, Business Manager, Hollywood, California