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THE CONDOR A Ma?zin? of Western Ornitholo? Published Bi-MontMy by tho Cooper Ornltholo2ic?l Club l?ntercd ?s second-class matter Februsry IZ. 1908. at the ?o6t-office at Los An?les (Hollywood Statlon). California. under Act of Con?'ress of March 3. 1879. Issued from the Office of THH CONSOl. care I?. D. Dietz. First National Bank. Hollywood. Callromic SUBSCRIPTION RATES Two Dollars p?r Ye? in the Uni?d S?. payable ? aden,. Fo? Cont0 the sidle ?py. Two Dories ?d Twenty-flys Con? per Yo? in all other ?un? in the In?matlonal ?1 Uni?. COOPER CLUB DUES Two Doll?rs per year for members residing in the United States. Two Dollars ? Tw?nty-fivu Ceuts in all other countries. Ma?us?rlpts for publication. and ?ooks and Papers for Revlow. should be sent to the l?ditor. J. Grinnell. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. University of California. Berkeley. California. (?alms for missing or imperfect numbers should be made of the Business Manager. ?s addressed below. within thirty days of date of issue. Cooper Club Dues. Subscril?oas to Tho Condor. and Exchanges. should be s?nt to the Business Manager. l?0r the Purchmo of I?k Volumos of Tho Condor or of the Paditc Coast Avlfauna series. apply to the Business Manager. W. LEE CHAMBERS. Business Manager. l?aale Rock. Los Angeles County. California. Issued liltarch 25, 1919 CONTENTS Nesting Notes on the Rocky Mountain Creeper(with four photos) ..................... ......................................................................................................... W. C. Bradbury 49 Albert Mills Ingersoll--An Autobiography (with photo) ........................................ 53 Notes on the Breeding Habits of the Red Croesbill in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia .............................................................................. .J.A. Munro 57 Notes on the Nesting of Two Little-known Species of Petrel.....(teorge Willerr 60 Bird Notes of a Stormy May in Colorado Springs (with one photo) ................... .................................................................................................... Edward R. Warren 62 Lo?ses Suffered by Breeding Birds in Southern California .................................... .................................................................................................... H. Arden Edwards 65 Olive Thorne Miller (with photo) .............................. Florence Merriam Bailey 69 Bird Records from the Sacramento Valley, California ....... _Alexander Wetmore 73 Note? from the Feather River Country and Sierra Valley, California ............... ....................................................................................................... Joseph Mailliard 74 The Marital Tie in Birds ............................................................ Loye Holmes Miller 77 The Summer Birds of Hazelton, British Columbia (with one photo) ................ ............................................................................................................ P. A. Taremet 80 I?ROM FIELD AND STUDY An Early or Late Nesting of Green-backed Goldfinch? ....... _?'. K. Carpenter 86 Grackles Nesting in Herons' Nests ............................................ H. 11. Mitchell 86 Notes on the Bleck-bellied Plover and the Golden Plover ................................ ................................................................................................ J. Hooper Bowies S6 Notes on the Behavior of Pintail Ducks in a Hailstorm ........ Aldo Leopold 87 Unusual Occurrences of Bendire Thrasher, Forked-tailed Petrel and West- ern Goshawk ....................................................................... Frank l?tephens 87 The Sandhill Crane in Northeastern California ................ ?. Hart Merriam 87 Notes from Colton, California ....................................................... W. C. Hanna 88 The Red-billed Tropic-bird in California ............................... .J. Eugene Law 88 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ................................................................................ 89 MILITARY SERVICE RECORD .................................................................................... 89 COMMUNICATION ................................................................................... .A.B. Howell 91 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED .................................................................................... 92 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ............................................................ 94