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x6? THE CONDOR I VoL. VII! Jungle Fowl, Indian, x 4 AEDING, Geo. L., new bird for Amador County, 57 Kildeer, x9, 27, ie5 Kingbird, eI, e8 Arkansas, 21, e8, I27 Western, 96 Kingfisher, Belted, e8, 43, Swamp, 13 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, e7 Kite, Black, 99 White-tailed, 42 Kittiwake, Pacific, 57, AGOPUS rupestris neleoni, H 9 Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides, 23 gambeli, 44, Lark, California Horned, 43, 97 Desert Horned, ?I Dusky Horned, ?8 Pallid Horned, 26 Rufous, x3 Laxus, canus, 75 glaucescens, I I6 philadelphia, I i6 ridibundus, ?2, 98 vegte, 98 Leucosticte tephrocotis griseonucha, littoralis, ?7 Leucosticte, Aleutian, ?2o Linnet, 97 Longspur, Alaska, I?i McCown, ?2 Loon, 27 Lophodytes cucullatus, 27 Lophortyx californicus, 42, vallicola, 96, 126 Loxia curvirostra minor, 27 Lunda cirrhata, AGPIE, Black-billed, ?6 Yellow-biLled, 127 Mailliatd, Joseph, Buteo albicaudatus sennetti seen in San Francisco, Cal., 29; summer notes from a Santa Barbara garden, 45 Mallard, ?7, 75 Mareca americana, 27 Martin, Purple, 23 Western, 95, 97, i28 McGregor, Richard C., papers on Philippine birds I.--a collecting trip to Calayan and Fuga, x?; Siphia erithacus Sharpe preoccu- pied, ?9; methods of filing reprints, 55;papers on Philippine birds II, the routine of a col- lector's work, 7o; notes on birds observed while traveling from Yokohama to Manila, 98; birds observed in the Krenitzin Islands, Alaska, xx4 Meadowlark, Western, ?2, 28, 43, 97, Megalurus palustris, x3 Megapodius cumingi, x4 Megascops asio bendirei, 43 kennicotti, ?9 saturatus, ?9 subsp.?, ?6 Melanerpes erythrocephalus, ?x formicivorus bairdi, 96, xo7, Meleagris sp., ?o Melospiza cinerea cinerea, :3, l?I cooperi, 97 merrilli, ?6 santtecrucis, 44, x28 lincolni, 97 pusillula, 44 Merganser, Hooded, e7 Red-breasted, I 17 Merganser serratot, Ii 7 Merops sp., I3 Merula migratoria propinqua, 24, e8 Meyer, Dr. A. B., portrait of, I7 Milvus ater melanotis, 99 Mimus polyglottos, 24 leucopterus, 47, 5I, 56 . 98 , I29 Minutes of Club Meetings, 3 I, 60, 79, ?3 Mockingbird, 24, 47, 5I Western, 56, 98, ? 29 Molothrus ater, 22, e8 Mound-bui.der, ?4 Mud-hen, I9 Munia jagori, 13 Murre, California, II6 Pallas, I?5 Murrelet, ix5 Myadestes townsendi, 24, e7 Myiarchus cinerascens, 2I, 97, I27 N ETTItON carolinensis, 27, il 9 Nighthawk, Texas, 95, 96 Western, el, 28 Ninox, ?3 Notes and News, 30, 59, 77, xoI, x3l, x53 Nucifraga columbiana, e8 Numenius longirostris, x 9, ?7 Nutcracker, Clark, e8 Nuthatch, Pygmy, e6 Red-breasted, 27 Rocky Mountain, e7 Slender-billed, xe 9 Nycticorax mevius, 38 O CEANODROMA beali, 54 beldingi, 54 fureata, xI7 kaedingi, 54 leucorhoa, 53, 117 macrodactyla, 53 Olbiorchilus alascensis, x22 hiemalis pacificus, 26, ?9 Old-squaw, xx 9 Olor columbianus, 75 Oreortyx pictus pictus, Oreospiza chlorura, ?3, 57