Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/610

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covered the great strength of the movement; and on the night of the day following, Grant's plan was revealed beyond doubt by the passage of the Vicksburg batteries by seven gunboats and three empty transports, with the loss of one vessel. This detachment joined the three gunboats already below Warrenton. Pemberton now hastily recalled the brigades sent to Bragg, and notified the Trans-Mississippi commander that "the enemy is cutting a passage from near Young’s Point to Bayou Vidal, to reach the Mississippi river near New Carthage. Without co-operation, it is impossible to oppose him." The troops under command of Lieut.-Gen. John C. Pemberton in April, 1863, were organized as follows:


Maj.-Gen. Carter L. Stevenson commanding.

First brigade, Brig.-Gen. Seth M. Barton—Five Georgia regiments: Fortieth, Forty-first, Forty-second, Forty-third and Fifty-second.

Second brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. D. Tracy, Col. I. W. Garrott, Brig.-Gen. Stephen D. Lee—Five Alabama regiments: Twentieth, Twenty-third, Thirtieth, Thirty-first, Forty-sixth.

Third brigade, Brig.-Gen. Thomas H. Taylor, Brig.-Gen. Alfred Cumming—Five Georgia regiments: Thirty-fourth, Thirty-sixth, Thirty-ninth, Fifty-sixth, Fifty-seventh.

Fourth brigade, Col. A. W. Reynolds–Four Tennessee regiments: Third, Thirty-first, Forty-third, Fifty-ninth.

Artillery—Waddell’s Alabama battery, Botetourt Virginia battery, Hudson's Mississippi battery, Cherokee Georgia battery, Third Maryland battery.

Cavalry—Van Dyke’s company.


Maj.-Gen. Martin L. Smith commanding.

First brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. E. Baldwin—Seventeenth and Thirty-first Louisiana; Fourth Mississippi, Col. P. S.