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the convent school

birch myself, and would much prefer that her papa should take in hand the serious whipping she ought to have."

Papa.—"Lucille, you hear what Miss Birch says, (I noticed him cast most excited and amourous looks towards the governess as he spoke), she has been most forbearing with you, and interceded with me many times to save your bottom, and even now cannot bring herself to lift her own hand to make you smart a little; it must indeed be a serious fault to induce her to ask me to use the rod, but, 'Spare the rod and spoil the child,' has always been a maxim with me; lay her across you lap, Miss Birch, and pull up her clothes, whilst I get the rod out of the table drawer."

Miss Birch, with heaving bosom, and quite a deep blush upon her face.—"I feel as ashamed at baring her naughty posteriors as if I was going to suffer the degradation and humiliation myself, but come, Lucille dear, you must bear it, and I hope