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Upon what text do you design to preach?
Rochester.The Passion.
Lady Frances. The Passion. Ah! my heart is deeply touched
By the great zeal that seems to urge you on.
A humble sinner at your feet behold,
My father.
Rochester [aside.] Ah! her father! then 'twould seem
That I am not suspicious to the eye?
[Aloud.]Listen, my child.
Lady Frances. Listen, my child. I listen with respect.
Rochester [aside.]Am I unfortunate to that degree
That I seem worthy of respect?
[Aloud.] …worthy of respect? My child,
Hear what I say.—To cause such dire distress
Where'er you go, is most uncharitable.
Lady Frances [surprised.
Rochester.A single glance from out your eyes
Doth drive a hundred mortals to despair.
Lady Frances.Nay, you mistake.
Rochester. Nay, you mistake. Oh, no!
Lady Frances. Nay, you mistake. Oh, no! But tell me, pray,
Wherein I do them wrong.
Rochester. Wherein I do them wrong. Before your eyes
There stands one of your victims.
Lady Frances. There stands one of your victims. You? What have
I done to you? If I have done you wrong,
I fly to beg my father—
Rochester [detaining her.] …father—Nay, you need
Have no remorse. Of all the ills you cause
You guiltless are.
Lady Frances. You guiltless are. I do not understand.
Rochester.Sweet innocence!
Lady Frances. Sweet innocence! But if I've done you wrong,