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Doth grant a diamond worth five hundred pounds
To the said admiral. And furthermore,
It orders that such noteworthy exploits
Be entered on its journals for all time.
Cromwell.We do assent.

[The Members bow.—Enter Thurloe, who returns to his place by Cromwell's side.

Thurloe [to Cromwell, in an undertone.
We do assent. 'Tis done.
The Clerk [reading on.] … 'Tis done. Third. Inasmuch
As the disorders late aroused in York
By unknown malcontents have stricken cold
With holy terror all good English hearts,
The Parliament, to place without delay
The mutineers of York outside the law,
Doth order that a writ of quo warranto issue
Against the ancient charters of the town.
Cromwell [to Thurloe, in an undertone.
A score of soldiers would be better far
Than all the quo warrantos in the world.
I'll look to that myself.
[Aloud.] … to that myself. We do assent.
[All bow once more.
The Clerk [reading on.
Fourthly. To fill its empty treasury,
The House decrees that every Englishman,
Seeking forgiveness for some heinous sin
In his past life, shall, to the State's behoof,
Fast in each week one day. A means unique,
And with the sacred ordinances, too,
In strict conformity, to save one's soul
While succouring the nation's finances.
Cromwell.We do assent.
[All bow yet again.