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To bind the demon."—Other texts there be,
Whereon a learned preacher may discourse,
And this conjuncture would have magnified
Their value and enhanced their interest,
As: "Is man twofold?"—Or: "Do God's angels,
When they do come among us, change their shape?"—
Or: "What would happen if, true dogmatists,
The Whiggamoors were Antipædobaptists?"
These texts are comprehensible, at least.
Such themes as these, and twenty others, too,
You might discuss to this intelligent
And great and pious people, for their good.
It wearies me to hear these pedants preach,
Talk through the nose, and praise in the same tone
The sun and moon and my lord Eglinton!

[Renewed acclamations.—Lockyer, in dire confusion, descends from the pulpit and loses himself in the crowd.—Enter an usher, who halts in the doorway, and exclaims in a loud voice:

Begone! My lord, the prisoners.

[Enter the captive Cavaliers, Lord Ormond at their head, preceded by the High Sheriff and surrounded by Archers and Sergeants-at-arms.

Scene 13.—The Same, Lord Ormond, Lord Rochester, Lord Rosebery, Lord Clifford, Sir Peter Downie, Lord Drogheda, Sedley, Sir William Murray, Doctor Jenkins, Manasseh Ben-Israel; all with their hands bound behind their backs, ropes around their necks, and bare feet. The High Sheriff, Archers, Sergeants-at-Arms.