Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/191

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SCntJIILEIN SCHUHLEIN (Schtlchlin), HANS, flour- ished in Ulm about 1468-1502. German school ; history painter, probably a scholar of B. van <ler Weyden, and a master of high repute in Ulm, where he appears as senior master of a guild of painters, sculptors, etc., in 1473 ; he executed an altarpiece, with his pupil Zeitblom, now in a private collection in Hungary. Works : Altarpiece with Nativ- ity, Adoration, etc. (14G9), Church at Tiefen- bronn, Wtirtemberg; Ysiclor and Susanna, St. Servatius (2), David with Head of Goliath, Zacharias and Elizabeth, Munich Gallery ; Anna and Cleopas, Schleissheim Gallery ; six Altar-Wings, Maurice Chapel, Nurem- berg ; others in Augsburg Gallery and Stuttgart Museum. Ch. Blanc, Ecole alle- mande ; Dohme, li. ; Heideloff, K. des Mit- telalt. in Schwaben, 117 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 145 ; Schnaase, viii. 421 ; W. & W., ii. 110. SCHULTEN, ARNOLD, born at Dilssel- dorf in 1809, died there, July 30, 1874. Landscape painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy in 1822-49, and with Scheuren, Lasinsky, Pose, Funk, and others, formed the school of landscape painters, which, un- der the guidance of Johann Wilhelm Schir- mer, contributed essentially to the renown of the Rhenish Academy. Works : Land- scape with Hunting Lodge (1831), Ab- bey of Altenburg (1831), Kloster Arnsteiu (1833), Entrance into Plain, Woodland (1834), do. with Cattle (1837), Return from the Chase (1840), Stag Hunt (1841), Kochel Lake (1842), Tegernsee (1843), Laacher Lake (1844), Brook among Rocks (1847), Pyrmont on the Elz (1848), View near Wal- lenstadt Lake (1852), Rhenish- Westphalian Art Union ; Isola Bella in the Lago Mag- giore, Villa Rosenstein near Stuttgart. Blanckarts, 72 ; Wiegmann, 352. SCHULTZ, FRIEDRICH, born in Ger- many ; contemporary. Battle and genre painter, lives in Berlin ; skilful in composi- tion, but weak in colouring. Works : Zie- then Hussars foraging (1854); Frederick the Great iu Battle of Torgau ; do. in Bat- tle of Hoheufriedberg ; Peter the Great after the Battle of Poltava (1859); Bivouac in 17th Century ; Prince Henry and the Bridal Pair (1862); Cupid and Psyche (1863); Crossing to Alsen ; The first Bomb- shell at Kdniggriitz ; King William decorat- ing the Crown Prince with the Order pour le merite on the Battlefield of Kouiggriitz. Dioskuren (I860), 33, 255, 332, 341; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 294. SCHULTZ, HERMANN THEODOR, born at Wittstock, Prussia, in 181(5. History and genre painter, pupil in Berlin of Wach and of Blechen ; painted frescos in the Old Mu- seum at Berlin after the sketches of Schin- kel, and four scenes from the Myths of Her- cules and Theseus of his own composition ; also in the Royal Chapel two Prophets, and twelve Kings and Priests of the Old Testa- ment. Among his genre pictures an Italian Woman with a Blind Boy before the Ma- donna is noteworthy. Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 40. SCHULTZ, JOHANN KARL, born in Dantzic, May 5, 1801, died there, June 12, 1873. Architecture and landscape painter, pupil of Dautzic Art School under Breysig, and of Berlin Academy under Hummel ; went in 1823 to Munich, attracted there by Domeuico Quaglio, and in 1824 to Italy, whence he returned to Berlin in 1828 ; was made director of Dantzic Art School in 1831, member of Berlin Academy in 1836 ; visited Rome again in 1839 ; founded in 1855 the Art Union and in 1856 the Ar- chaeological Union in Dautzic. Great gold medal for art. Honorary member of St. Petersburg Academy. Works : View in Milan Cathedral (1827), Steeple of do. (1829), National Gallery, Berlin ; Choir in Konigsberg Cathedral (1835), Royal Palace, ib.; replica (1837), Konigsberg Museum ; Castle Hohenzollern (6); Interior of Ulm Cathedral ; do. of Strasburg Cathedral ; View of Siena ; Piazza del Gran Duca ; Or- vieto Cathedral ; Triumphal Arch of Trajan at Ancona ; Street of Tombs in Pompeii ; Konigsberg Cathedral ; Artus Hof in Dant- zic. Andresen, ii. 141 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 151