Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/418

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VERNET-LECOMTE velle "biog. gen., xlvi. 9; Pietsch, H. V. Album (Berlin, 1864) ; La Presse, Feb. 5, 1863 ; Rees, H. V. (London, 1880) ; Revue artistique et litteraire, Feb. 1, 1863, seq.; Rev. des DeuxMondes (1863), xliv. 76 ; Rev. du Nord de la France, iv. 312 ; Silvestre, Lettres intimes de H. V. (Paris, 1856) ; La- rousse ; Meyer, Gescli., 188 ; Fine Arts Quarterly, ii. 126 ; E. de Mirecourt, Horace Vernet (Paris, 1858). VERNET-LECOMTE, EMILE, born in Paris in 1821. Genre painter, pupil of Horace Vernet and Leon Cogniet. Medals : 3d class, 1846, 1863 ; L. of Honour, 1864. Works : Appeal to Neptune, Lille Museum ; Agamemnon's Body-Guard ; Ajax ; Job and his Friends ; Enduring and Passing Love ; Fellah Girl ; Moorish Girl opening a Pome- granate ; Happy Future, Idyl of Mount Li- banus (1880). Bellier, i. 958. VERNIER, EMILE LOUIS, born at Lons-le-Saulnier (Jura). Landscape paint- er and lithographer, pupil of Collette. Paints in the style of Corot. Medals : 1869, 1870. Works : View near Besanpon, River Ain (1864) ; Park of Champigny (1865) ; Street in Champigny, View of Champigny (1866) ; River Doubs, Road in the Woods ( 1867) ; Vil- lage of Avane, River Loire (1868) ; View at Cluron, River Louc (1869) ; Farm at Vaucotte, Beach near Etretat (1870) ; Boat No. 774 of Yport, Beach of Yport (1872) ; Return to Yport, Low Tide (1873) ; The Martigues, Dry Dock in Marseilles, Cancale Boats (1874) ; Return of the Bas-de-1'Eau (1875) ; Tower of the Weeping Women, Country People of Wiessant (1876) ; Boats drying their Sails (1877) ; Before the Squall, Farm- yard at Attainville (1878) ; Women gather- ing Sea-Weed at Yport, The Seine at Bercy in Winter (1879) ; Selling Shells (1880) ; Gathering Sea-Weed at Concarneau, The Downs of Roscoff (1881) ; Shrimp Fishers of Grand Champ, Launch of a Sloop (1882) ; Breton Team, The Thames at London (1883) ; Low Tide at Concarneau, The Thames at London (1884) ; Spring-Tide in Cornwall, Morning, ib. (1885) ; Embarking of Fisher- men, Return of Vessels in Stormy Weather (1886). Larousse ; L'Art (1879), xvi. 310 ; Bellier, ii. 661. VERONESE, ALESSANDRO. See Tur- chi, Alessandro. VERONESE, BONIFAZIO. See Boni- fazio, Veronese. VERONESE, PAOLO, born in Verona in 1528, died in Venice, April 19, 1588. Ve- netian school ; real name Paolo Caliari or Ca- gliari, son of Gabriele Calia- ri, a sculptor ; pupil of his un- cle Antonio Badile, according to Ridolfi, and of Giovan- ni Caroto, according to Vasari. After paint- ing in Verona and in Mantua he established himself in Venice, where he executed most of his works. In 1563 he visited Rome in the suite of the Venetian ambassador, but the study of the pictures of the great masters there did not affect his style. On his return to Venice he gained great reputation by many pictures and frescos painted in the Palazzo Ducale and in churches, especially in S. Sebastiano. As Titian was then very old, Veronese shared with Tintoretto the most important commissions. He received orders from the Emperor Rudolph H., the Duke of Savoy, and the Duke of Modena, and was invited by Philip H. to decorate the Escorial ; but preferring to remain in Venice, he sent Federico Zuccaro to Spain in his stead. With all his skill, splendid use of colour, and facile command of the resources of painting for decorative pur- poses, Veronese seems superficial when compared with Titian. He gives us the glitter, the pomp, the outward aspect of Venetian life, making it the medium for the representation of sacred as well as profane subjects ; but while he thus fascinates the eye he does not, like Titian, move the feel- 368