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The astonishment before the immeasurable, allows spiritual manifestation. Hundreds of year bundles and thousands of flourished death warriors have made this place a monument to the human spirit power. Only the strong polished will of our ancestors, their consciousness and the ancestral human being knowledge, could achieve this wonder, pointing to the immeasurable and wonderful possibilities of human existence.

DAANY BEÉDXE is a permanent message, that the human being spiritual power can transcend the limited matter that briefly contains him. Has managed to leave perennial testimony in the stones that matter is at the service of the spirit and that is only a mean. Each stone present here, was brought from far distances, and raised to a height of two hundred forty bodies, carved and assembled in one project, which as a whole, encourages the struggle for the human being true freedom.

This wonderful prodigy made by the Toltec sages, just as in deserts, forests or in the mountains. Where they diligently moved incredible amounts of land and carved millions of stones, to build a bridge between the human and the divine, the immeasurable and the earthly.

DAANY BEÉDXE represents a prodigious human effort, which is a testament to the will of being and transcending the old grandparents, a symbol of the most genuine aspirations of the human condition. The sculpting of each of these stones represents the sculpting of the people spirit, who has constantly sought since remote times, its utmost genuine and profound aspiration; transcending the self, the road to Total freedom. DAANY BEÉDXE is testimony to the warrior spirit through time.

Night Eagle from the top of his place, in the south pyramid, rid himself of the matter limitations and his spirit flew. In the afternoons, he stopped his thoughts and allowed the evening light penetrate his eyes and expand, luminously flooding him