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Always courteous and humble, with an expression that showed affection and harmony, Night Eagle was always very well received. The same happened with teachers and instructors, it seemed, as intuited by Smoky mirror, there had never before been at the House of youth a student such as Night Eagle.

The priests for their part had also detected the strange and beautiful powers of the boy. The illustrious and high priest of town, had among his ranks the young boy and had made recommendations to the priests of the House of the youth, to be very attentive of him. However, Night Eagle was very reserved and solitary, each time he could, spent hours in the temple meditating or on the Codexes, made available by his teachers; his best friends remained, Dawn deer and Smoky mirror.

Visits to the parental home were less common, the love and respect towards his parents was unchanged; what happened was that each day, Night Eagle felt more dissatisfied with the teachings. He felt in his heart, a very deep voice, calling him to meet.

This concern, which was growing and began to overwhelm him, was carefully informed to his teacher. Smoky mirror was silent for a long time, and after listening to him said:

—Beloved and admired student; it is true that no one like you had arrived at this institution. It is also true that I never had a disciple as gifted as you; but it is also true that everything in the world and life, takes a time and pace. Each one of us has a destiny; each of us came to fulfill a task given by the Lord that is everywhere. The Sun, which is the Supreme star and the almighty, teaches us every day, how one should do their duty. Does not get ahead nor delay the tasks, always rises on the East and retires on the West.