Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1827) Vol 2.djvu/14

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VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER XV. TIIF. PROGRESS OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, AND THE SENTIMENTS, MANNERS, NUMBERS, AND CONDITION OF THE PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANS. Importance of the enquiry . 60 Its difficulties , , ib. Five causes of the growth of Chris- tianity . . .6) The first cause. Zeal of the jews ... 62 Its gradual increase . . 63 Their religion better suited to de- fence than to conquest . 64 More liberal zeal of Christianity . 66 Obstinacy and reasons of the be- lieving jews . . 67 The Nazarene church of Jerusa- lem . . . .68 The Ebionites . . 70 The Gnostics . . .72 Their sects, progress, and influ- ence . . 74 The demons considered as the gods of antiquity . . 76 Abhorrence of the christians for idolatry . . .78 Ceremonies . . ib. Arts . . . .79 Festivals . . . ib. Zeal for Christianity . .81 TiiK SECOND CAUSE. The doctrine of the immortality of the soul among the philosophers . ib. Among the pagans of Greece and Rome . . 83 Amo^g the barbarians . 84 Among the jews . . ib. Among the christians ' . 85 Approaching end of the world . 86 Doctrine of the millennium . ib. Conflagration of Rome and of the world . . .88 The pagans devoted to eternal punishment . . 90 Were often converted by their fears . . . .91 The THIRD cause. Miraculous powers of the primitive church ib. Their truth contested . . 93 Our perplexity in defining the mi- raculous period . . 94 Use of the primitive miracles . 95 The FOURTH cause. Virtues of the first christians . . 96 Effects of their repentance . 97 Care of their reputation . . 98 Morality of the fathers . 99 Principles of human nature . 100 The primitive christians condemn pleasure and luxury . ib. Their sentiments concerning mar- riage and chastity . Their aversion to the business of war and government The fifth cause. The chris- tians active in the govern- ment of tlie church Its primitive freedom and equality Institution of bishops as presidents ^of the college of presbyters Provincial councils Union of the church Progress of episcopal authority . Preeminence of the metropolitan churches Ambition of the Roman pontiff Laity and clergy Oblations and revenue of the church Distribution of the revenue Excommunication Public penance The dignity of episcopal govern- ment Recapitulation of the five causes Weakness of polytheism The scepticism of the pagan world proved favourable to the new religion As well as the peace and union of the Roman empire Historical view of the progress of Christianity In the cast The church of Antioch In Egypt In Rome . lu Africa and the western^ pro- vinces Beyond the limits of the Roman empire General proportion of christians and pagans . Whether the first christians were mean and ignorant Some exceptions ^^ith regard to learning AVith regard to rank and fortune 139 Christianity most favourably re- ceived by the poor and simple ib. Rejected by some eminent men of the first and second centuries Their neglect of prophecy And of miracles General silence concerning the darkness of the passion . ib. 102 104 105 106 108 110 111 ib. 112 113 114 115 118 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 133 135 136 137 ib. 140 141 142