Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1827) Vol 2.djvu/49

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OF THE ROMAN EMPlllE. 31 city of Verona, and all the troops that were stationed chap. in the province of Venetia. As soon as he was in- ^^^' formed that Constantine was advancing towards him, he detached a large hody of cavalry, which was de- feated in an engagement near Brescia, and pursued by the Gallic legions as far as the gates of Verona. I'he necessity, the importance, and the difficulties of the siege of Verona, immediately presented themselves to the sagacious mind of Constantine'. The city was accessible only by a narrow peninsula towards the west, as the other three sides were surrounded by the Adige, a rapid river which covered the province of Venetia, from whence the besieged derived an in- exhaustible supply of men and provisions. It was not without great difficulty, and after several fruitless at- tempts, that Constantine found means to pass the river at some distance above the city, and in a place where the torrent was less violent. He then encompassed Verona with strong lines, pushed his attacks with pru- dent vigour, and repelled a desperate sally of Pom- peianus. That intrepid general, when he had used every means of defence that the strength of the place or that of the garrison could affiard, secretly escaped from Verona, anxious not for his own but for the public safety. With indefatigable diligence he soon collected an army sufficient either to meet Constantine in the field, or to attack him if he obstinately remained Avithin his lines. The emperor, attentive to the mo- tions, and informed of the approach of so formidable an enemy, left a part of his legions to continue the operations of the siege, whilst, at the head of those troops on whose valour and fidelity he more particu- larly depended, he advanced in person to engage the general of Maxentius. The army of Gaul was drawn ' I'he marquis iMaffei has examined the siege and battle of Verona with that degree ot attention and accuracy, which was due to a memorable action that happened in his native country. The fortifications of that city, con- structed by Galiienus, were less extensive than the modern walls, and the amphitheatre was not included within their circumference. See Verona Illustrata, part i. p. 142. 150.