Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1827) Vol 2.djvu/52

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S4 THE DECLLNE AND FALL c H A P. heroic spirit of Constantine '. Before Maxentius left ^^ Rome, he consulted the sibyUine books. The guard- ians of these ancient oracles were as well versed in the arts of this world, as they were ignorant of the secrets of fate ; and they returned him a very prudent answer, which might adapt itself to the event, and secure their reputation, whatever should be the chance of arms'. Victory of The celerity of Constantine's march has been com- °"^'llorne! parcd to the rapid conquest of Italy by the first of the near A. D. 312. Cassars: nor is the flattering parallel repugnant to the Oct. 28. . . . truth of history, since no more than fifty-eight days elapsed between the surrender of Verona and the final decision of the war. Constantine had always appre- hended that the tyrant would consult the dictates of fear, and perhaps of prudence ; and that, instead of risking his last hopes in a general engagement, he would shut himself up within the walls of Rome. His ample magazines secured him against the danger of famine ; and as the situation of Constantine admitted not of delay, he might have been reduced to the sad necessity of destroying with fire and sword the imperial city, the noblest reward of his victory, and the deliver- ance of which had been the motive, or rather indeed the pretence, of the civil war*. It was with equal sur- prise and pleasure, that on his arrival at a place called Saxa Rubra, about nine miles from Rome ", he disco- vered the army of Maxentius prepared to give him battle". Their long front filled a very spacious plain, and their deep array reached to the banks of the Tiber, •■ See Panegyr. Vet. xi. 16 ; Lactantius de M. P. c. 44.

  • lUo die hostem Roraanorum esse periturum. The vanquished prince

became of course the enemy of Rome. ' See Panegyr. Vet. ix. 16. x. 27. The former of these orators magnifies the hoards of corn, which Maxentius had collected from Africa and the islands. And yet, if there is any truth in the scarcity mentioned by Euse- bius (in Vit. Constantin. 1. i. c. 36.) the imperial granaries must have been open only to the soldiers. " Maxentius . . . tandem urbe in Saxa Rubra, millia ferme novem aegerrime progressus. Aurelius Victor. See Cellarius, Geograph, Antiq. tom.i. p. 463. Saxa Rubra was in the neighbourhood of the Creraera, a trifling rivulet, illustrated by the valour and glorious death of the three hundred Fabii. " The post which Maxentius had taken, with the Tiber in his rear, is very clearly described by the two panegyrists, ix. 16. x. 28.