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Dr. DEES (^jfBions, mth/pirits.

Liber Myftenorum(& Sanc5li)paralIeInsNovalirque4

Lefden May tt. 1385.

D. Is Dr. Def,'

E. K. fiYwari Keilet. See chc Pieface.

S J. and E« K. fate difcourfing of the Noble Polomati Albertus Lafa his great honour here wich us obteined , his great "ood liking of all States of the [)eople , of them that either fee him or hear of him , and again how much I was beholding to God that his heart rtiouU fo fervently favour me, and that he doth fo much ftrive to fupprefle and conrbunld the malice and envie of my Country-men againft me , for my better credit winning or recovering to do God better fervice hereafter thereby, &c- Suddenly, there feemed to come out of my Oratory a Sfirituall creature , like a pretty g'rle of 7 or 9 yeares of age, attired on her head with her hair rowled up beforCjand hangingdown veiy long behind,with a gown of Sey 5 .....changeable green ani red, and with a train (he feemed topiay up and down.......... Green ind reJ,

like, and feemed to go in and out behind my books, lying on heaps, the big-ell and as

fhe (hoiild ever go between them, the books feemed to give place lufticiently, dif.... one heap

from the other, while Ihe pafTed between .hem: And fo I contideriftli and ,.......;.. the diverfe

reports which E. K. made unto me of this pretty nwiden, and .....)......,

A. I Caid , Whofe maiden are you ?

..^A. Sh. ......... Whofe man are jou'i

A. I am the fervant of God both by my bound duty, and alfoi(I httpe) by his Adoption.

A voyce ."iovlhallbe beate^t ifjoutell. ;-'.-_!--.

Aw not I a fine Maiden ? Give me leave to play in yavr houfe j my Mother told me fie

would come and dwell here. ■ ' . -

A. She went up and down with moft lively geflures of a young girle, playing by her felfe, and diverfe times another fpake to her from the corner of my iludy by a great Perfpeftive- glafle J but none was feen belide her felfe.

VJ?..»i Shut I? I will (Now flie feemed to anfwcr one in the forefaid Corner of the Study) ...... J^ pray you let me. tarry a /itt/f [fpeaking to one in the forefaid Corner~

A. Tell me who you are .?

..,.'..i., I fray you let me flay -with you a. little^ and-l Will tell you who I ani. .A. In the name of Jefus then tell me.

I rejoyce in the name of Jefiu, and I am a -poor little Maiden y Madini , I am the

liji but one of my Mothers children , / have little Baby-childreti at home. A. Where is your homef?

Ma.,.../ dare not teUyoiiwhere I dwell, I (hall be beateft.

A. You (hall not be beaten for telling the truth to them that love the tiuth , to the eter- nal truth all Creatures muft be obedient.

Ma I warrant you I will be obedient. My Sijlersfay they muji all come and dwell withyou.

B A. I detire


Proles ipfiUt Madini.

Maiini her Gx Sifters.