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A true Relation of Dr. Dees Actions, with spirits.

E K. Now he standeth up.

…… Hast not thou said, From whom comest thou? What is thy message? [Δ. He looked toward me] And hast urged my name? Saying, All things have a name. It is true; for so they have because they are. Hast thou left any thing unsaid?

Δ. All things have a name, vide contra Tert. parte libri Eraconiensis de 30 aeris exercitibus. The summe of our commanded observation. Note 7.

Δ. You rehearse my speeches not onely in general, but also in particular.

The will of God be done (to his glory) for the rest.

…… My message is from him, in whose name thou hast desired it, which hath said lift up thine eyes, and look unto (behold I say) the sum of my Commandments, 3. What I am, 2. Whose Minister you are, and (as it is said before) 3. To what end and purpose it is.

Then cease to plead when Judgement standeth in place; For all things are determined already. The 7 doores are opened. The 7 Governours have almost ended their Government.

The Earth laboureth as sick, yea sick unto death.

The Waters pour forth weepings, and have not moisture sufficient to quench their own sorrows.

The Aire withereth, for her heat is infected.

The Fire consumeth and is scalded with his own heat.

The Bodies above are ready to say, We are weary of our courses.

Nature would fain creep again into the bosom of her good and gracious Master.

Darknesse is now heavy and sinketh down together: She hath builded her self, yea (I say) she hath advanced her self into a mighty building, she saith, Have done, for I am ready to receive my burden.

Antichrist his saying in the spirit of Satan.

Hell it self is weary of Earth: For why? The son of Darknesse cometh now to challenge his right: and seeing all things prepared and provided, desireth to establish himfelf a kingdom; saying, We are now stronge enough, Let us now build us a kingdom upon earth, and Now establish that which we could not confirm above.

And therefore, Behold the end.


When the time cometh, The …… thy sorrows shall be greater than the sweetnesse, the sorrows (I mean) of that thou seest; I mean in respect of the sweetnesse of thy knowledge. Then will you lament and weep for those thou thoughtst were just men.


When you earnestly pray it shall be said unto you Labor. When you Would take Mercy Justice shall say, Be it so.

Therefore (I say) thirst not overmuch: For fear least thy capacity be confounded.

Neither move thou him which hath moved all things already to the end.

But do thou that which is commanded.

Neither prescribe thou any form to God his building.

All things shall be brought into an uniformal Order.

Al. alasky.

Whom thou sayest that thou hast not yet confirmed, confirm with good counsel. It is said I have accepted him.

Are not these News sufficient?

Notes in Election.

It is said, He shall govern me a people: of himself he cannot. Therefore let him believe, and secondly Rejoyce that the Angel of God hath so governed him. That in Election he shall govern him a people.

Desireth he to hear of greater blessednesse?

O King. Vide tamen de ejus futuro casu in actionibus de Lask.


He hath also said: Then shall it be said unto him, O King.

It followeth consequently that he is called, and that to a Kingly Office: For whosoever is Annointed in the Lord, his Kingdom is for ever.

Will he be the son of perditio ? Let him then with his fathers put on the garments of pride.

Desireth he news? Tell him thou hast prayed for him; the Devil envyeth him, and his estate.

Tell him that I say so.

Say it is a shame for a Kings Son to ammit theft; and for him that is called, to do the workes of unrighteousnesse. Studiest thou to please him? Give him sharp and wholesome counsel. For in him (I say) the state and alteration of the whole World shall begin.

Wouldst thou know from whence I came? Thou shalt.

But do it Humbly, it is not my part to meddle any further than my charge.

But as it is said before unto thee, So shall it come to passe.

Moses had a rod whereby he was known, and the hand of God approved.

Let him use therefore to carry the rod of righteousnesse about him.

Moses 7. rod. Sanctum, signatum, ad temus.

For we are seven: and in us is comprehended that rod wherewith Moses wrought. As it is begun so I end: What ye see here is holy [pointing to the …… and by him sealed and for until the time. Therefore use patience herein until the time that it is said unto thee ……

Venice, videte, (& loquimni) Judicia mea.

He that saith thus (I speak of my self, and as concerning my message,) is equal with the greatest Angels, and his name is Murifri.

Murifri my Calender.

Thou hast written my name, and I am of thy Kalender, because thy Kalender is of God.

In the grounds of all thy Tables thou shalt finde my name.

Δ. I remember not any such name written by me, but it may be contained in some new Composition, or Collection.

Mur. …… It is true, for if thou hadst remembred all those things which thou hast written, then should not my message need.

Δ. If