Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/211

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"9. Whoever shell aKmm that men are so to c?11 to m?nd the baptism they have received, ss to understand that ell vows mede after baptism e?e null and void, by virtue of' the promise mede in that baptism; es if by such vows any ?nju.? were done to the faith which they professed, or ?o their baptism itsell; let him be accursed. "10. Whoever shall ? that sll sins committed after baptism see forgiven, or'become veniel, solely by the remembrance of that baptism, or faith therein; let him be accursed. "11. Whoever shall e.ffirm th8? baptism, truly end reguhrly adminis- tered, is to be reop?f. ated when a man is brought to repentance, who ? denied the faith Christ, after the manner of' the in?eis; let him b? accurBed. "] 2. Whoever shall affirm that no one ought to be baptized but at the age at which Christ was baptized, or in the article of death; let him be accursed. "13. Whoever shall affirm that children are not to be reckoned among the faithful by the reception of baptism, because they do nut actually believe; and therefore that they are to be rebaptized when they come to years of discretion; or that, since they cannot personally believe, it is better to omit their baptism than that they should be bap- tized only in the faith of the church; let him be accursed. "14. Whoever shall affirm that, when these baptized children grow up, they are to be asked whether they shall confirm the promises mede by their godfathers in their name st their baptism; and that, if they say they will not, they are to be left to their own choice, and not to be compelled in the mean time to lead a Christian life by any other punish- ment than exclusion from the eucharist and the other sacraments, until they repent; let him be accursed."

  • "? _mime 1. Si quis dixerit, IMptbmum Joannis habubae roLmdin vim cure bmp*

tismo Christi; anathema sit. "2. 8i quis dixerit, &quam rerum et naturalera non eme de neceesitate hptimn? utque kle6 verbs ilia Do_m'_mi? nos? Jeou Christi: ' Nisi qub renatus ruetit ex &qua et ?3. ?ncto,' ad metapboram aliquam detorserit; anathema sit. 8i quis dixerit, in Ecclesia Roman? qum omnim ecclesian2m mater eat, et ?, non erie veram de baptismi ncmmento doctrinam; anathema sit. "4. 8i ?uio dixerit, baptismurn, ?iui etiam datur ab hmretici? in nontine Petrie, et l?!ii, et Spsrit?s 8ancti, cure intentlone faciendi quod hcit ecclesia, non e#e rerum bsptimnum; snthema sit.