Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/423

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C?t?. Xlll.] LnDuLoraser?. 41'7 "Soul of Christ, sanctify me; body of Christ, save me; blood of Christ, make me drunk ;. water of Christ, purify me; sweat of Christ, vivify me; passton of Christ, comfort me. O ! good Jesus, hear me; hide me within thy wounds, permit me not to be sopmated from thee, from the malicious enemy defend me, in the hour of my de?th call me, command me to come to thee, and place me beside thee, that with thy holy angels I may praise thee for ever. Amen." Those who accompany the sacred v/at/cam with a light, when it is carried to the sick, will obtain an indulgence of seven years and two hundred and eighty days. Those who accompany without light, will obtain an indulgence of five years and as many quadragenies. Those who are lawfully hindered, but send a light or torch to be carried on the occasion, will obtain an indulgence of three years and as many quadragenies. Those who are present at the prayer of forty hours, du?ng the space of one hour, will obtain an indulgence of three years. Those who are present at a procession, either in the beginning, or at the e?d of the said prayer, if in a cathedral church, will obtain an ?ndulgence of ten years, and if in other churches, an indulgence of five years. Those who go through the before mentioned pious exercises once in a year, on a day prescribed by the bishop, having also confessed and received the holy communion, will obtain a p/chary /ndm?en?e, find of all t/?/r ?/n?. This indulgence was granted by Gregory XIII., on the �of April, 1580. In kingdoms subject to the king of Spain, whoever celebrates on the day of the commemoration of the dead, can deliver a soul from the patna of purgatory, by the grant of Innocent XI., on the 30th of Sep- tember, 1670. Those who recite on their knees, in the evening, at the sound of the bell, Angehts Domi?i, Angel of the Lord; Ecce anc/#a Domini, BeAold tlte lumdmaid of tl? Lord; Verbum Cato, ?c., TI? Word wa? made.?A, with three Ave Mar/?, ?-c., will obtain a plenary indulgence by the grant of Adrian V[. The following as a specimen we will give in full, as it wu issued by the pope himself. "Isnu?.osscEs granted to tho? ud?o re�it? dgoo?iy, ? t? .?otmd of "DENEDICT Xlll, POPE,--TO THE PERPETUAL MEMORY OF THE THING. "The nature of the apostolic service divinely enjoined on us requires, That we would faithfully dispense the treasury of celestial gifts, com- mitted by the Lord to our dispensation, when we might hope in the l,ord, that this would be profitable both to increase veneration on earth toward the most blessed and most august queen of heaven, the Virgin Mary, mother of God, our patron and advocate, as well as to cherish toward her the devotion of the faithful and to promote the salvation of souls: so that, confiding on the mercy of the omnipotent God, and by the authority of St. Peter and Paul his apostles, we mercifully grant in the Lord a p/e?r y mdu/ge,u? ? rem/s?/on of a//tAe,? ?/,?s, to all the faith- ful in Christ, who are truly penitent, have confessed and received the holy communion, and have, in the morning, noon, or evening, at the s,,und of the be!l, on their knees devoutly recited, Tb Angel of tb VoL. I.--27