Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/460

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454 o?DS?s. [?o?k IL the crown of thorns which ?vus premmd upon the bmul of the Redeem- er; that the instrument devised by the impiety of the Jews for the iguominy and torture of Christ may be worn by his apostles ns their ornament and glory."--" Some, however, assert that tonsure is an em- blem of the royal dignity, which belongs peculiarly to those who a? specially called to the inheritance of God."--" Others are of opinion that tonsure, which is cut in form of a circle, the most perfect of all figures, is emblematic of the superior perfection of the eeclesias?.ical st..tte; or that, us it consists in cutting off hair, which is a sort of sn- perfiuity, it implies a contempt of worldly things, and a detachment t�om all worldly cares and concerns." We quote the following from St. Anthony, archbishop of Flo- rence: "The shaving on the upper part of the head signifies that they ought to have a mind free for the contemplation of divine things. The tonsure over the ears denotes, that they ought not to have dull senses, or involved in worldly matters, which are designated by the hair. But the cut of the hair, in form of a circle, designates the royal dignity which they have; and because they ought to regulate themselves and others according to the virtues."* 2. The porter or a?tiari?. He is the lowest of the four minor or- ders, possessing the power of opening and shutting the doors of the church. The matter of this order is the delivery of the keys of the church, and the form of words employed by the bishop who ordains is, "Con- duct yourself as having to render an account to God for those things which are kept under these keys." The duties of this order are, to open the doors of the church to the faithful, and to shut them against infidels, heretics, and excommunicated persons; toll the bell; to assist at mass, so that no one should approach too near the celebrant; to attend to cleansing of the house, preserve its ornaments and furniture in good order, &c. 3. The reader. The duty of the reader is to read to the people the Scriptures, as well as to instruct them in the rudiments of the faith. The bishop at his ordination hands him a book which belongs to the exercise of his function, and says, "Receive this book, and be thou a rehearser of the word of God, destined, if thou approve thyself faithful ?md useful in the discharge of thy office, to have a part with those who l�om the beginning have acquitted themselves well in the ministry of the divine word." 4. The ea?n. cist. The matter of this order is, the delivery of a book of exorcisms, either a Pontifical or Missal. The form is in the words tbllowing: "Take this and commit it to memory*, and have power to impose hands on persons possessed, be they baptized? or catechumens." The power of the exorcists was to expel devils out of persons pos- sessed, or to restrain them, by the imposition of their hands, and various prayer, together with holy water, &c. This order seems now sup- pressed, and its powers transferred to priests; but priests cannot exer-

  • Rasura autem, qum tit ex p?rte superiorS, slgniicat, quia debent hujusmodi babe?e

mereera liberam ad contemplationem divinarum. Tonsura super aures designat, q?ia non debent babere sensus abvolutos et implicatos terrehis, qum per capillos designantur. Corona vero cspillorum designat dignitatem reqiam, quam habent, et qui& me et alios debent virtutibus regulare.--$. A?ton. ,.?m. TAzo/., pars iii, c. xvi, see. vi, p. 743. 1