Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/490

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2. From the foregoing cantata we coiloct the following doetrimm, viz.: (1.) That matrimony is a sac?ment, instituted by 0hrist, nnd confers gr&ce. (2.) Tim the church can add to, or subtract from, the degrees of consanguinity mentionotl in Leviticrm; and constitute any impediments, with power to annul matrimony. (3.) Marriage solenmised, but not consummated, is n?t annulled, if any one of the parties enters into religious orders. (4.) The marriage bond cannot be dissolved by the adultery of one (�Th? church can decree that harried persons may be oelmrated, as �ar sut regards actual cohabitation, either for & certain or an uncertain time. (6.) Persons in holy orders cannot contract maniage. (7.) A life of' virginity, or celibacy, is to be preferrod to the mmiod life. (8.) Marriage is to be celebrated at certain periods of the year. Be* nedictions and other ceremonies are to be used. (9.) Matrimonial causes belong to the ecclesiastical judges. Certain enactments accom?anied this decree, by which clandestine marriages are condemned, ancient canons are renewed, enjoln!?g the public solemuizatien of' the ceremony, after due notice, and in th � presence of witnesses. The parties are exhorted to confess, and re- ceive the eucharist, three days 5efore the marriage. One sponsor only of each sex is allowed in baptism and confirmation, in order to lessen the inconvenience arising from spiritual afiinity. Marriage, within the prohibited degrees, if wilfully contracted, is punished, without hope of dispensation. And it was enacted, that dispensations should be very rarely given; in the second de?ree not at all, UNLESS TO O?tSAT PamcEs, AND FOR 'PUBLIC REASONS. Excommunication is threatened against those who keep concubines, unless, after being. thrice admonished by the ordinary, they put them away. - In many of the most important points respecting marriage, both Pro- testants mad Roman Catholics are agreed. Yet when the Church of Rome advances matrimony to a sacrament, instituted by Christ, and i dimisd mlultm4 alinm duxerit, et era, qum, (limbo mlultero, alii nulmrit; ?meJt. "8. 8i qub dixerit, ecclesiun errsre e?lm ob multas eauns selmrationem inter con- ju?,, qunad thorurn oeu quoad cohabitationore, ad certum incertumve terntins pomse decemit; anathema sit. "?. 9i quis dixerit, elm'icos in ucris ordim'bus eonstitutos, vel regulates_, eastitatmn solemniter pmfessos, posse nmtrimoninm contrabore, eontraetumqum validurn ease, non clintante lege ecclesiaariel; vel vote; et opp0si_ 'turn nil nliud ease, qulm damnare ma- trimonium, pooseqna crones contrubere mslrimonium, qui non sentiunt se castitetis, etiam ai e,m Yoretint, lmbsre donurn; anathema sit: efira Dmus id rect? pmtentibm non deneget, nec patimtur nora supra id quod po,mumus, tentaft. "10. Si qub dixerit, ?tetum conjugalera ?nteponendum cmlilmtus, et non e?e melina matrimon|o; anathema ?it. "l 1. 8i quis dixerit, prohibitioM m solenmitatis n?tiarum certis aun? tem? ma/mntitionem emro tyrannicam, ab ethuieorum ,uperstitione !wofectam; aut bonedie. ?ne?, et dias cseremonias, quibus eccLosh in illb utitur, damtmverit; anathema sit. "1%. 8i quis dixorit; causas nmtrimoniales non spectare ,d j ..udiees ecelesimstke?; ? sit."--Co.?.-/t. Tri4. ?e?. ?4: D, ? M?r?. !