Page:Devonshire Characters and Strange Events.djvu/939

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Porto Farino, 158

Portsmouth, 350, 440, 634

Portsmouth, Earl of, 546, 774

Port St. Maria, 86

Post Bridge, 706

Postman Poet, the. See Edward Capern

Potheridge, 278

Potter, Humphrey, 498

Poughill, 534

Poundstock, 56

Powell, Mr., 98

Powlett, 419

Praed, Mr., 18

Prat, Rev. R., 584

Pratt, Miss, 484

Press-gang, 313, 314

Pressoville, Captain, 232

Preventive men, 307
— outwitted, 303, 304, 305

Prideaux, John, 606

Prideaux, Robert, 97-104

Pridhamsleigh, 438, 618, 622, 628

Prince, 182, 183, 191, 257

Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 285

Prince Rock, 298

Princess Sophia, Electress Dowager of Hanover, 243

Princetown, 186, 407

Prisons, state of, 485, 505
— debtors in, 505
See Dartmoor, Fleet, etc.

Probus, 569

Prouse family, arms of, 565

Prout, Samuel, 564-580
— delicate health of, 566
— his passion for music, 567
— his piety, 577
— his Studies and other works, 572
— in Cornwall with Britton, 568, 570
— painter of architecture, 568

Puckering, Sir T., 283, 285 note

Pugin, Augustus, 575

Pugin, A. Welby, 575

Pugsley, Christopher, 597

Punch, 420

Puntal, 86

Purcell, Henry, 240, 245

Putford, 599

Pycroft, George, 580

Pynes, 1, 12, 616

Quaker meetings, 603, 704

Quarterly Review, The, 452

Quarter-staffe, 90, 94

Queensberry, Duke of, 421

Quicke, John, 295-300

Quebec, 721

Radford, 187, 194, 279

Radford, Mrs., 194, 209, 211, 768

Radish, Captain, 107

Raglan Castle, 487

Raleghana, 285

Raleigh, 772

Raleigh, Sir John, 772

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 278-284, 785
— arrested, 279
— plans escape, 280

Rattenbury, Jack, 301-319
— deserter, 313, 318
— his hairbreadth escapes, 314, 317, 318
— turns smuggler, 315

Recipe for burns or scalds, 77, 78
— a sprain, 77
—stanching blood, 77
— toothache, 77
— whooping cough, 77
— eczema, 77

Redruth, 520

Reece, Dr. Richard, 396, 397, 404

Reeves, James, 694

Reeves, John, 692

Reeves, Sims, 420

Reinagle, 469

Reminiscences of an Old West-country Clergyman, 64, 537 note, 550, 563

Rendal, Mr., 613

Rendall, George, 232

Rennel, Dr., 593, 608

Resurrection of J. Southcott, the expected, 398-401

Resurrectionists, the Stoke, 405-413

Resurrections, unexpected, 55, 593

Revenge, The, 108, 121

Reynolds, Rev. Mr., 592

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 442, 611, 627, 743

Rhodes, 162-164

Rich, Mr., 417, 418

Richard II, 182

Richards, Dr., 535

Richardson, Captain, 45

Richardson, Rev. J., 472

Richmond, Duke of, 263

Rickman, Mr., 564, 575

Riots in Exeter, 482

Risdon, 183, 254