Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/195

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ANEMOTIS. 2. Of Cyziciis, left by Antiochus tlie Groat in India, to convey the treasures promised him by the Indian king Sophagasenus. (Polyb. xi. 34.) 3. Of Corinth, who defended Corinth against the Romans in n. c. 198, and was defeated in the following year by the Achaeans. (Liv. xxxii. 23 ; xxxiii. 14, 15.) 4. Of Thossaly, called by Caesar the praetor of the countrj' (by which he means merely the mili- tary commander), shut the gates of Gomphi against Caesar in B. c. 48, in consequence of the defeat at Dvrrhachium. (Caes. D. C. iii. 80.) 'ANDRO'STHENES {'Av5po(Te4v7is), an Athe- nian sculptor, the disciple of Eucadmus, completed the figures supporting the roof of the temple of Apollo at Delphi, which had been left unfinished by Praxias. (Paus. x. 19. § 3.) The time when lie lived is not exactly known ; it was probably about 440. b. c. [P. S.] ANDRO'TION ('AfSpoTW), an Athenian ora- tor, was a son of Andron, a pupil of Isocrates, and a contemporary of Demosthenes. (Suid. s. v.) To which of the political parties of the time he be- longed is uncertain ; but Ulpian (ad Demosth. c. Ajidrot. p. 594) states, that he was one of the leading demagogues of his time. He seems to have been a particularly skilful and elegant speaker. (Schol. ad Hermogen. p. 401.) Among the oiations of Demosthenes there is one against our Androtion, which Demosthenes delivered at the age of twenty- seven (Gellius, XV. 28 ; Plut. Dem. 15), and in which he imitated the elegant style of Isocrates and Androtion. The subject of the speech is this: Androtion had induced the people to make a pse- phisma in a manner contrary to law or custom. Euctemon and Diodorus came forward to accuse him, and proposed that he should be disfmnchised, partly for having proposed the illegal psephisma, and parti}' for his bad conduct in other respects. Demosthenes wrote the oration against Androtion for Diodorus, one of the accusers, who delivered it. ( Liban. A rgnm. ad Demosth. A ndrot. ) The issue of the contest is not known. The orations of Andro- tion have perished, with the exception of a frag- ment which is preserved and praised by Aristotle. (Wid. iii. 4.) Some modern critics, such as Wes- seling [ad Diod. i. 29), Coraes {ad Isoa-at. ii. p. 40), and Orelli {ad Isocrat. de Antid. p. 248), as- cribe to Androtion the Eroticus which is usually printed among the orations of Demosthenes ; but tlieir arguments are not satisfactor}'. (VVestermann, QiHient. Demosth. ii. p. 81.) There is an Androtion, the author of an Atthis, whom some regard as the sime person as the orator. (Zosim. Vit. Isocr. p. xi. ed. Dind.) [L. S.j ANDRO'TION ('Ai/SportW), the author of an Atthis, or a work on the history of Attica, which is frequently referred to by ancient writers. (Paus. vi. 7. § 2, X. 8. § 1 ; Marcellin. Vit. Thuc. § 28 ; Plut. Solon, c. 15, &c.) The fragments of this work have been published with those of Philo- chorus, by Siebelis, Lips. 1811. (Vossius, de Hist. Graec. 386, ed. Westermann.) ANDRO'TION {'AvSporiuv), a Greek writer upon agriculture, who lived before the time of Theophrastus. (Theophr. Hist Plant, ii. 8, de Cans, riant, iii. 15 ; Athen. iii. pp. 75, d., 82, c; Varr. Ii, i?. i. 1 ; Colura. i. 1 ; Plin. Eleiichus, lib. viii.,&c.) ANDRUS. [Andreus.] ANEMO'TIS ('Aj/f/xwTts), the subduer of the winds, a surname of Athena under which she was AXGERO>^A. 177 worshipped and had a temple at Mothone in Mc3- sonia. It was believed to have been built b}' Diomedos, because in consequence of his prayers the goddess had subdued the storms which did in- jury to the country. (Paus. iv. 35. § 5.) [L. S.J ANERISTUS ('AfTjpjo-Tos), the son of Sper- thias, a Lacedaemonian ambassador, who was sent at the beginning of the Peloponnesian war, b. c. 430, to solicit the aid of the king of Persia. He was surrendered by the Athenians, together with the other ambassadors who accompanied him, by Sadocus, son of Sitalces, king of Thrace, taken to Athens, and there put to death. (Herod, vii. 137 ; Thuc. ii. 67.) The grandfather of Aneristus had the same name. (Herod, vii. 134.) ANER0ESTU6 or ANEROESTES ('A^V- €o-Tos, 'Aj'77/306(rTi7s), king of the Gaesati, a Gallic people between the Alps and the Rhone, who was induced by the Boii and the Insubres to make war upon the Romans. He accordingly invaded Italy in B. c. 225, defeated the Romans near Faesulae, but in his return home was intercepted by the con- sul C. Atilius, who had come from Corsica. A battle ensued near Pisae, in which the Gauls were defeated with immense slaughter, but Atilius was killed. Aneroestus, in despair, put an end to his own life. (Polyb. ii. 22, 26, &c., 31 ; comp. Eutrop. iii. 5 ; Oros. iv. 3 ; Zonaras, viii. 20.) ANESIDO'RA ('Ai/TjcnScJ/ja), the spender of gifts, a suniame given to Gaea and to Demeter, the latter of Avhom had a temple under this name at Phlius in Attica. (Paus. i. 31. § 2; Hesych. s. v.; Plut. Sympos. p. 745.) [L. S.J ANGE'LION, sculptor. [Tectaeus.J A'NGELOS (A77eAos). 1. A surname of Artemis, under Avhich she was worshipped at Syracuse, and according to some acconnts the ori- ginal name of Hecate. (Hesych. s. v. ; SchoL ad Tlieocrit. ii. 12.) 2. A son of Poseidon, whom, together with Melas, he begot by a nymph in Chios. (Paus. viL 4. § 6.) [L. S.J ANGERO'NA or ANGERO'NIA, a Roman divinity, of whom it is difficult to form a distinct idea, on account of the contradictory statements about her. According to one class of passages she is the goddess of anguish and fear, that is, the god- dess who not only produces this state of mind, but also relieves men from it. (Verrius Flacc. ap, Macrob. Sat. i. 10.) Her statue stood in the temple of Volupia, near the porta Romanula, close by the Forum, and she was represented with her mouth bound and sealed up {os obligatum et sig- naticm, Macrob. /. c; Plin. H. N. iii. 9), which according to Massurius Sabinus {ap. Macrob. Lc.) indicated that those who concealed their anxiety in patience would by this means attain the greatest happiness. Hartung (Die Relig. d. R'6m. ii. p. 247) interprets this as a symbolical suppression of cries of anguish, because such cries were always unlucky omens. He also thinks that the statue of the goddess of anguish was placed in the temple of the goddess of delight, to indicate that the latter should exercise her intluence upon the former, and change sorrow into joy. Julius ^lodestus (ap. Macrob. I. c.) and Festus (s.v. Angeronae deae) give an his- torical origin to the worship of this divinity, for they say, that at one time men and beasts were visited by a disease called angina, which disap- peared as soon as sacrifices were vowed to Ange- rona. (Comp. Orelli, Inscript. p. 87. No. 116.) N