Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/634

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616 CARTHALO. against the Morini and other tribes, and drove the Suevi across the Rhine back into Germany. For those exploits he was honoured with a triumph in 29. (Appian, D. C. iv. 83, v. 26, 112; Dion Cass, xlvii. 15, li. 21,22.) 3. Carrinas, whom Cicero speaks of in b. c. 45, as an unpleasant person, who visited him in his Tusculanura. (Cic. ad Att. xiii. 33.) 4. Carrinas Secundus, a rhetorician of the time of Caligula, by whom he was expelled from Rome for having, by way of exercise, declaimed against tyrants on one occasion. (Dion Cass. lix. 20; Juven. vii. 204.) He is probably the same as the Secundus Carinas whom Nero, in b. c. Qb^ sent to Asia and Achaia to plunder those coun- tries, and carry the statues of the gods from thence to Rome. (Tacit Ann. xv. 45.) [L. S.] CARSIGNA'TUS (Kap<rr7i/oTos). a Galatian prince, who was at one time allied with Phamaces. When the latter threatened to invade Galatia, and Carsignatus had in vain endeavoured to maintain peace, he and another Galatian, Gaezotoris, marched against him, but the war was prevented by a Ro- man embassy. (Polyb. xxv. 4.) [L. S.J CARSULEIUS. [Carfulknus.] L. CARTEIUS, a friend of C. Cassius, who was with him in Syria in b. c. 43. (Cass. ap. Cic. ad Fam. xii. 11.) CA'RTHALO {Kaped<av). 1. A commander of the Carthaginian fleet in the first Punic war, who was sent by his colleague Adherbal, in B. c. 24.9, to bum the Roman fleet, which was riding at anchor off Lilybaeum. While Carthalo was engaged in this enterprise, Himilco, the governor of Lilybaeum, who perceived that the Roman army on land was anxious to afford their support to the fleet, sent out his mercenaries against the Roman troops, and Carthalo endeavoured to draw the Roman fleet into an engagement. The latter, however, withdrew to a town on the coast and prepared themselves for defence. Carthalo was repulsed with some loss, and after having taken a few transports, he retreated to the nearest river, and watched the Romans as they sailed away from the coast. When the consul L. Junius Pul- lus, on his return from Syracuse, had doubled Pachynum, he ordered his fleet to sail towards Lilybaeum, not knowing what had happened to those whom he had sent before him. Carthalo informed of his approach, immediately sailed out against him, in order to meet him before he could join the other part of the fleet. Pullus fled for refuge to a rocky and dangerous part of the sea, where Carthalo did not venture to attack him ; but he took liis station at a place between the two Roman fleets to watch them and prevent their joining. Soon after a fearful storm arose which destroyed the whole of the Roman fleet, while the Carthaginians, who were better sailors, had sought a safe place of refuge before the storm broke out. (Polyb. i. 53, 54.) 2. The Carthaginian commander of the cavalry in the army of Hannibal. In b. c. 217, he fought against L. Hostilius Mancinus, in the neighbour- hood of Casilinum, and put him to flight. The B'Omans, under Mancinus, who were merely a re- connoitering band which had been sent out by the dictator, Q. Fabius, at last resolved to make a stand against the enemy, but nearly all of them were cut to pieces. This Carthalo is probably the noble Carthaginian of the same name, whom CARTIMANDUA. Hannibal, after the battle of Cannae, in B. c. 216, sent to Rome with ten of the Roman prisoners to negotiate the ransom of the prisoners, and to treat about peace. But when Carthalo approached Rome, a lictor was sent out to bid him quit the Roman territory before sunset. In b. c. 208, when Tarentum was re-conquered by the Ro- mans, Carthalo was commander of the Cartha- ginian garrison there. He laid down his arms, and as he was going to the consul to sue for mer- cy, he was killed by a Roman soldier. (Liv. xxii. 15, 58, xxvii. 16; Appian, de Bell. Annib. 49; Dion Cass. Fmgm. 152, ed. Reimar.) 3. One of the two leaders of the popular party at Carthage after the close of the second Punic war. He held an ofiice which Appian calls boe- tharchus, and which seems to have been a sort of tribuneship ; «and wiiile in his official capacity he was travelling through the country, he atUicked some of the subjects of Masinissa, who had pitched their tents on controverted ground. He killed several of them, made some booty, and ex- cited the Africans against the Numidians. These and other acts of hostility between the Cartha- ginians and Masinissa called for the interference of the Romans, who however rather fostered the hostile feeling, than allayed it. The result was an open war between the Carthaginians and Masi- nissa. When at length the Romans began to make preparations for the third Punic war, the Carthaginians endeavoured to conciliate the Ro- mans by condemning to death the authors of the war with Masinissji ; and Carthalo was accordingly executed. (Appian, de Beit. Pun. 63, 74.) [L. S.J CARTPLIUS, an eariy Roman jurist, who probably lived not later than the time of Caligula, as in Dig. 28, tit. 5, s. 69, he is cited by Proculus, who adopts his opinion in the aise in question in preference to that of Trebatius. The ctise was this — Let A or B, whichever wishes, be my heir. They both wish. Cartilius says. Both take : Tre- batius, Neither. In Dig. 13, tit. 6, s. 5, § 13, he is cited by TJlpian. It was Ant. Augustinus who (Eviend. 3, 9) first brought these passages into notice, and rescued the name of Carlilius from ob- livion. In the former passage the Haloandrine edi- tions of the Digest have Carfilius, and, in the latter, an early corrector of the Florentine manu- script, not being familiar with the name Cartilius, enclosed it in brackets as a mark of condemnation. The jurist Cartilius is evidently different from the Catilius, not Cartilius Severus, who was prae- positus Syriae, praefectus urbi, and great-grand- father of the emperor M. Antoninus. (Plin. Ep. i. 22 ; iii. 12 ; Spart. Iladr. 5, 15, 22 ; Capitol. Anton. Pius2 ; M. A?it. 1 ; Dion Cass. ix. 21.) The name of this Catilius appears in the Fasti, a. d. 121, as consul for the second time, three years after the death of Trajan. His first consulate does not appear in the Fasti, and therefore it may be in- ferred that he was consid suffevtus. If the rescript of Trajan, cited Dig. 29, tit. 1, s. 24, were ad- dressed, according to the Haloandrine reading, to Catilius Severus, it is probably referable to the time of the proconsulate succeeding his first consul- ship. (Bertrandus, 2, 22, 1. Maiansius, ii. p. 273—287.) [J. T. G.] CARTIMANDUA, or CARTISMANDUA, queen of the Brigantes in Britain, about a. d. 50, in which year she treacherously delivered up to the Romans Caractacus, who had come to seek her