Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/918

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SOf) CUBA. CTKSIDE'MUS, a painter celebrated for two pictures, representing the conquest of C)eolialia and the story of Laodamia. (Plin, //. N. xxxv. 40. § 33,) He was the master of Antiphilus (Plin. xxxv. 37), a contemporary of Apelles. [L. U.] CTESILAUS. [Cresii.aits.] CTESI'LOCHUS, a painter, the piipil and per- haps brother of Apelles, known by a ludicrous picture representing the birth of Bacchus. (Plin. xxxv. 40. § 33; Suid. s. v. 'ATreAA^y.) [L. U.] CTE'SIPHON (KTVfTKpiu). 1. A son of Leosthenes of Anaphlystus, was accused by Aes- chines for having proposed the decree, that De- mosthenes should be honoured with the crown. { Abschinks ; Demosthenes.] 2. An Athenian, who was sent in B. c. 348 .ns ambassador to king Philip of Macedonia, with the view of recovering the ransom which Phrynon of Rhamnus had been obliged to pay during the truce of the Oh-mpian games to pirates who were in the pay of Philip. On his return from Mace- donia, Ctesiphon confii-med the report which had been brought to Athens by Euboean ambassadors, that Philip was inclined to make peace with the Athenians. After this, Ctesiphon was rnie of the ten ambassadors who treated with Philip about peace. (Dem. de Fals. Ijeg. pp. 344, 371 ; Argum. ad Dem. de Fals. Leg. p. 336 ; Aeschin. de Fals. lyg. cc. 4, 12, 14; Harpocrat. s. v. KTr](ri<p<av.) 3. 'J'he author of a work on Boeotia, of which Plutarch (Parall. Min. 12) quotes the third book. Whether he is the same as the Ctesiphon who wrote on plants and trees (Pint de Fluv, 14, 18) is uncertain. 4. An Athenian poet, who wrote a peculiar kind '>f niju-tial songs called K6a€poi, and seems to have lived at the court of the Attali at Pergamus. (Athen. xv. p. 697.) [L. S.] CTESIPHON, artist. [Chersiphron.J CTESIPPUS (KTViTTTTos). 1. The name of two sons of Heracles, the one by Deianeira, and the other by Astydameia. (ApoUod. ii. 7. § 8 ; Paus. ii. 19. § 1, iii. 16. § 5.) 2. A son of Polytherses of Same, one of the suitors of Penelope, was killed by Philoetius, the cow-herd. (Hom. Od. xx. 288, &c., xxii. 285, Ac.) [L. S.] CTESIPPUS (KTTfo-tinros). 1. [Chabrias, p. 676, b.] 2. The author of a history of Scythia, of which the second book is quoted by Plutarch. (De Flm o.) [L. S.] CTE'SIUS (KTT{(nos), the protector of property, occurs as a sumarae of Zeus at Phlvus, and of Hermes. (Athen. xi. p. 473; Paus.'^i. 31. § 2.) Ctesius occurs also as a proper name. (Hom. Od. XV. 413.) [L.S.] CTESYLLA (Ktyjo-wXAo), a beautiful maiden of the island of Cos, of whom and Hermochares Antoninus Liberalis {Met. 1 ) relates nearly the «arae story which other writers relate of Cydippe and Acontius. [Acontius.] Buttmann {Afyt/ioL ii. p. 135, &c.) thinks that Ctesylla was originally an attribute of some ancient national divinity at Ceos — Aphrodite Ctesylla was worshipped there — who was believed to have had some love affair with a mortal. [L. S.] CUBA, CUNI'NA, and RUMI'NA, three Roman genii, who were worshipped as the protec- tors of infants sleeping in their cradles, and to whom Mbations of milk were offered. Ctivae signi- CULLEOLUS. fies a cradle, and riinia or rumis was in ancient Latin the same as miunma., a mother's breast, (August, de CivU. Dei^ iv. 10, (Sec. ; Lactant. i, 20, 36 ; Varro, ap. Non. p. 1(57, ap. Ikauit. ad Tereitt. Phorm. i, 1. 14.) [L. S.] CUBI'DIUS. [CoBiDAS.] CU'LLEO or CU'LEO, the name of a plebeian family of the Terentia gens. L Q. Terentius Culleo, belonged to a family of praetorian rank, and was a senator of considera- ble distinction. (Val. Max. v. 2. ^ 5.) He was taken prisoner in the course of the sexiond Punic war, but at what time is uncertain, and obtained his liberty at the conclusion of the war in B. c. 201. To shew his gratitude to P. Scipio, he followed his triumphal car, wearing the pileus or cap of liberty, like an emancipated slave; and subse- quently, on the death of Scipio. he attended his funeral, walking before the bier with the cap of liberty again on his head, and he likewise distri- buted mulsum, or sweet wine, among the attend- ants of the funeral. In B. c. 195, Culleo was one of the three ambas- sadors who were sent to C'arthage to complain that Hannibal was forming the design of making war upon the Romans in conjunction with Antiochus. In B. c. 1 87 Culleo was praetor peregrinus, and he was appointed by the senate in this year as the •commissioner to conduct the inquiry respecting the money of Antiochus, which was said to have been misappropriated by L. Scipio Asiaticus and his le- gates. This appointment was made under a plebis- citum which had been carried chiefly through the influence of Cato the censor, and which referred to the senate to nominate a commissioner to inquire into the matter. The respect which CulUvj had paid to P. Scipio was well known, and the friends of the Scipios probably supported his appointment for that reason ; though it is stated, on the other hand, that his nomination to the office was brought about by the enemies of Scipio, because he was in reality an enemy to the family, and had been guilty ot hypocrisy in the honours he had paid to his deli- verer from captivity. But however this may be, L. Scipio and others were condemned by him ; from which we may coi>clude, either that he was in reality in league with the party opposed to the Scipios, or that their guilt was so clear that he dared not acquit even his friends. In B.C. 184, Culleo was an unsuccessful candi- date for the consulship, and in 1 8 1 was one of the three ambassadors sent to Masinissa and Carthage to ask for assistance in the war against Perseus. (Liv. xxx. 43, 45, xxxiii. 47, xxxviii. 42, 55, xxxix. 32, xlii. 35 ; Val. Max. v. 2. § 5 ; Pint. Apnpkth. p. 196.) 2. Q. Terentius Culleo, was tribune of the plebs, B. c. 58, the j'ear in which Cicero was ba- nished. He was a friend of Cicero's, and did all in his power to prevent his banishment and after- wards to obtain his recall. He is mentioned by Cicero two years afterwards as one of the minor pontiffs. In the war which followed the death of Caesar we find Culleo in b. a 43 passing over from the army of Antony to join Lentulus. Culleo was placed by Lepidus to guard the passage of the Alps ; but he allowed Antony to cross them with- out offering any resistance. (Cic. ad Att. iii. 15, (/e ll'arusp. Jiesp. 6, ad Fain. x. 34, comp. ad Qu. Fr. ii. 2, ad Att viii. 12; Appian, B.C. iii. 83.) lu CULLE'OLUS, proconsul, perhaps of Illy-