Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/244

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232 PHAENIPPUS. under the name of Phaemon Philosophus, by An- drew Goldschmidt, at Wittenberg, in 1545. It was afterwards re-edited by Rivinus, Leipzig, 1654. (Fabric. Bihl Gfaec. vol. i. p. 211.) [W. M. G.] PHAENA'RETE. [Socrates]. PHAE'NEAS {'ifaii^Us), an Aetolian of high rank, who held the office of praetor of the Aetolian league in B.C. 198, and was present at the con- ference between Flamininus and Philip at the Malian gulf, on which occasion he distinguished himself by the vehemence of his opposition to the demands of the Macedonian king. (Polyb. xvii. 1, 3, 4 ; Li v. xxxii. 32, 33, 34.) Early in the ensuing spring (b. c. 197) he joined Flami- ninus with the Aetolian contingent, and appears to have rendered important services in tlie campaign that followed (Liv. xxxiii. 3, 6, 7). But in the conference that was again held between the Roman general and Philip, for the settlement of the terms of peace, after the decisive battle of Cynoscephalae, Phaeneas gave great offence to Flamininus by the pertinacity with which he insisted on the restitution to the Aetolians of certain cities in Thessaly, and the dispute between them on this occasion is regarded by Polybius as the first origin of the war that subsequently broke out between the Romans and Aetolians (Polyb. xviii. 20—22 ; Liv. xxxiii. 13). In B.C. 192, when Antiochus landed in Greece, Phaeneas was again praetor, and in that capacity was one of those who introduced the king into the assembly of the Aetolians at Lamia. But in the discussions that ensued he took the lead of the more moderate party, and opposed, though unsuccessfully, the warlike counsels of Thoas and his adherents (Liv. XXXV. 44, 45). Though he was overruled at this period, the unfavourable turn of affairs soon in- duced the Aetolians to listen to more pacific counsels, and, after the fall of Heracleia, b. c. 1 9 1, an embassy was despatched, at the head of which was Phaeneas himself, to bear the submission of the nation to the Roman general M'. Acilius Glabrio. But the ex- orbitant demands of the latter and his arrogant de- meanour towards the ambassadors themselves, broke off all prospect of reconciliation, and the war was continued, though the Roman arms were for a time diverted against Antiochus. In b. c. 190, Phaeneas was again sent as ambassador to Rome to sue for peace, but both he and his colleagues fell into the hands of the Epeirots, and were compelled to pay a heavy ransom to redeem themselves from captivity. Meanwhile, the arrival of the consul M. Fulvius put an end to all hopes of peace. But during the siege of Ambracia, b. c. 1 89, the Aetolians deter- mined to make one more effort, and Phaeneas and Damoteles were sent to the Roman consul, with powers to conclude peace on almost any terms. This they ultimately obtained, through the inter- cession of the Athenians and Rhodians, and the favour of C. Valerius Laevinus, upon more moderate conditions than they could have dared to hope for. Phaeneas now hastened to Rome to obtain the ra- tification of this treaty, which was, after some hesitation, granted by the senate on nearly the game terms as those dictated by Fulvius. (Polyb. XX. 9, 10, xxii. 8, 9, 12—14, 15 ; Liv. xxxvi. 28, 29, 35, xxxviii. 8—11.) [E. H. B.] PHAE'NIAS. [Phanias.] PHAENIPPUS {^aiviTTTTos), an Athenian, the »on of Callippus, and adopted son of Philostratus. A speech against him, composed for a suit in a case of Antidosis {Diet, of Ant. art. Antidosis), is found PHAETHUSA. among those of Demosthenes (p. 1037, &c. eJ. Reiske). [C.P.M.] PHAENNA (^aevvd), one of the Charites. (Paus. lii. 18. § 4, ix. 35. § 1.) [L. S.] PHAENNUS {^devuos), epigrammatic poet, who had a place in the Garland of Meleager (v. 29), and two of whose epigrams are contained in the Greek Anthology. (Brunck, Anal. vol. i. p. 257 ; Jacobs, Anih. Graec. vol. i. p. 190.) No- thing more is known of him. [P. S.] PHAENOPS (*a?j/o'j/), the son of Asius of Abydos, and a friend of Hector ; he was the father of Xanthus, P}iorc3's, and Thoon. (Hom. //. V. 152, xvii. 312, 582.) [L. S.] PHAESTUS (^aTcTTos), a son of Rhopalus,and grandson of Heracles, was king of Sicyon, from whence he emigrated to Crete. (Paus. ii. 6. § 3.) He is said to have established at Sicyon the cus- tom of worshipping Heracles as a god, since before he had only been honoured as a hero, (Paus. ii. 10. § 1 ; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 313.) A second Phaestus was a son of Bonis, of Tame, in Mae- onia, and was slain by Idomeneus at Troy (Hom. II. V. 43.) [L. S.] PHAETHON (*oe0coj'), that is, "the shining," occurs in Homer {II. xi. 735, Od. v. 479) as an epithet or surname of Helios, and is used by later writers as a real proper name for Helios (Apollon. Rhod. iv. 1236 ; Virg. Aen. v. 105) ; but it is more commonly known as the name of a son of Helios by the Oceanid Clymene, the wife of Me- rops. The genealogy of Phaethon, however, is not the same in all writers, for some call him a son of Clymenus, the son of Helios, by Merope (Hygin. Fab. 154), or a son of Helios by Prote (Tzetz. Chil. iv. 137), or, lastly, a son of Helios by the nymph Rhode or Rhodos. (Schol. ad Find. 01. vi. 131.) He received the significant name Phaethon from his father, and was afterwards also presump- tuous and ambitious enough to request his father one day to allow him to drive the chariot of the sun across the heavens. Helios was induced by the entreaties of his son and of Clymene to yield, but the youth being too weak to check the horses, came down with his chariot, and so near to the earth, that he almost set it on fire. Zeus, therefore, killed him with a flash of lightning, so that he fell down into the river Eridanus or the Po. His sisters, who had yoked the horses to the chariot, were metamorphosed into poplars, and their tears into amber. (Eurip. Hippol. 737, &c. ; ApoUoiu Rhod. iv. 598, &c. ; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 25 ; Hygin. Fah. 152, 154 ; Virg. Eclog. vi. 62, Aen. X. 190 ; Ov. Met. i. 755, &c.) 2. A son of Cephalus and Eos, was carried off by Aphrodite, who appointed him guardian of her temple, (Hes. Theog. 9^Q.) Apollodorus (iii. 1 4. § 3) calls him a son of Tithonus, and grandson of Cephalus, and Pausanias (i. 3. § 1 ) a son of Ce- phalus and Hemera. 3. The name of one of the horses of Eos. (Hom. Od. xxiii. 246.) It is also a surname of Absyrtus. (Apollon. Rhod. iii. 245.) [L. S.] PHAETHON, a slave or freedman of Q. Cicero. (Cic. ad Q. Fr. i. 4, ad Att. iii. 8.) PHAETHONTIADES or PHAETHONTI- DES (^aefloi/TtSe?), i.e. the daughters of Phaethon or Helios, and sisters of the unfortunate Phaethon. They are also called Heliades. (Virg. Eclog. vi, 62 ; Anthol. Palat. ix. 782.) [K S.] PHAETHU'SA {^aiQovaa). 1. One of this