Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 2.djvu/191

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Galli or Gilkgruci; hnt then is nolUiig In tba ' epiBtli from irbkb this an be inlsiRd. In lb* AcU of tbo ApoMka, th« larm GaUd> ii indnd nsed in id limited uid proper nnw, tad not in the eensa of sRonuui pTorinoi)] diniioc; for Ljoioai* ia alw mentioned in the Acts, mnd PisidiA. Thar* ie no doabt, then, tint the Ejuth to tl» Gulotiuu is w)- dnsMd to tba inhalHtanti oC Galitu Preper; bnt to ±» Greek inhabituts ot Oalitia atid petimps tta Hel- louied Galli, who iraia tba ■resttbio' and bettar in- ■tructed put ol the Oilli. For this Gallia conti- totion oT Galatia waa eiidantlf an ariitoerMic con- Btitation, Ulia the political BT"l(m> rf Gallia Tnna- alpiIlI^ in irhioh the ccmmioi sort vent tct Dothing, " paene serromni loco babentnr (B. 0. tL IS). Tbe bulk of the Galli of Alia, the faerdnnoi, nhep- berda, and tillers of the land, probablj kDBir no languge except Gallic; and it is clear thM the apifltle via net addnaaad to socb people. Tbe stndHit nuj rud with profit Amed^ThiaiT'i Eittoin da Gaaloit, if b» will alwaji tarn la die aodent aDtboritiea, which will aet the anCbor riiht, wImd bs gall wimg. [0. L.J Itar a Clanoranta U odio a™ M.P.d.(«e). GaUn LP.iviii. Alooa „ lii. Galacnm „ iTiif. Bremetonaei „ utH. Coecio - Hancnnia „ iviL Condat«  „ lYiii. Mediokno „ iiiiL thealementaofnnoi srtai ntj in this lUneiai? M tMOVBSTDM. Intb M namenU Hutoriea Bii- tannica Gobcwn-^JppIeii;, WKalli^ CailU, or Kendal, and Galman^e]iuir Old Tom or Ortal KaaicL [E.G. L] GALEPSU3 (raXirW. Herod. ™. 182), ■ town on tha N. coast of tba peninsula of SiChonia, which Colonal Leake (Trm. in North. Graeee, vol. iii. p. 155) takca to hsTfl been tha Hame place afterwards called Pkyscklla (Plin. iv. 10; Pomp. Mela, il. 3. § 1), a diBtinction which was reqnind, aa Ihera was another Galepnis at no great distancs. 3. A colonj of Thaws, on the coast of Thncs, which WBi taken bj Braaidas after the capture of Amphipolii (Thoc. iT. 107), and retaken bj Claon in the emaing jear. (Thuc. t. 6.) LiT7 (ill<. 45) relates that Penens, when Sling from Uie Romans, after (be defeat at P^dna, sailed from tiie mouth of the Strjmoc to Galepaus on the £iat da;, and on the second to Somothnce, which rendon il probable that it was one of Ibe meet re- mark^e harbours of the intervening coast, which data can onlj be reconciled at the hM^ionr of A'eflfr, which is situated 2 houn to the S. of Pranita, just within the Cape Ibnniug tha W. antnince rf tba GALLAECLV. Gulf cf Salvia, wbere still remain tba rmoi of a Gi«ek dlj, now known bj tlu nanus of Fali^eli. or tf^leripoti, or D^fitripali. {Lakf, Trar. it

fortk. Greta, tdL iiL p. 178.) [E. B. J.]

GAI,IBA(r(h((Bl<qu,PtoLra.4.§3), » JKO- montorj on the noitbam coaat of Uie audent Tafn- bane, or Cajrioa, at DO great i^ataooe, at it itMid aeem, frcm Corf lilaiuL The name it al» eoiMctad with thoae of certain moontaioi in the immedial* neighbourhood at the pnaumUKj, aSM rdXiCn If* (Ptul. ni. 4. § 3), and the inbabitanls of which wve called Galibi (rdAiCai, Ptol. ni. 4. § 9> Finn the CalibI Uootfa, according to Ptolem; (nL 4. § B), flowed down two riren to the ses, the Phs» and Ptolem In the plaina at the baae ■ i then wn [V-} elephants in his daj, aa th GALIBI. [Gauha.] GALILAEA. [PAUann^] GALINDAE (roAMai), mantioDed b; fttiaaj (iiL S. § ai ) in connection with tha VoBdae^ Sodioi, and StannL There can be bat little bentatiai in identi^lng the names (as Zena has done) with thai of the GalindiCa« of i>uier9 ami the Pmaaian anti- qoarians j whose localitj was the tnct called Galaoda, Galandia, Galendia, Golenti, &c in East Pmaaia, m the Spin^g Lakea, and in contact with that of tha £udo-<Htae the e;)uivBlsataof tha Sudiiu. Galinlia was one of the eleren divisiona of Pmana, that la, <d Prussia before it became German; its bngnaga bong that of the OU Pmsiiani, a biaocb cf the lithoaldc. The name of the GaUndae is said to occur on the coin of the en^pornr Volosianns (a.d. aS3) which has been the gnbject of ao mnch eontiovenj. (Vaillant, A'om. Imp. Ram. rol. ii. p.317; Eckbel, ToLni. p. 369; Mem. da (Acad, da Inter. toL ixriiL p. 606.) Joroandea {de GtL S3) o under the name of Golthes, ai tribes who won ninquiabed bj Eennanric, kine rf the Ostngolha. [R. G. L.] GALLAE'CLA or CALLAECIA (KaAAauda, Kakamta: Eth. KoMaln), CallaTci, Callaeo, Gal- laeci : Galkia and faA of Portagal), a laige district in tin eztreme I4W. of Hispania Tamcoienais, M, of LnaiTAHia, and W. of the Astures and Vao CAKi, ita bonndana being m the S. the rinr I>arias (D.»rD), CO the NE. the rivfr Nana cr Navihilio (iVaria), and cm the £. the mountaioe of the Astam; if fnlre ilcwra el iVMo and TVoa «  Monta, and, on the K, of sniall portieiis of Attmvu and Leon. Sometimea a wider extent waa asd^md Eo the coontrj, so aa to include the Astures (IMon Caaa. iuyiL53; Plin. iii. 3. a. 4, iti. I.S.S), and ' ' ' ■ iteia, the whole cf Q " ' ' (Or™ r. 15; : >. 94). In tba , Gallaeda. or al part, was rwJiODed a jui, of Luratania. (Stiab. in. p. ISa). The people were diridad into two great tribes, the CallaIci (or Oallabci) Bracaioi (KoUnIicat al Bpairiftm), and the CallaIci (or GA1.I.AECI) LUCEHBES (K. ol iiouin^ui), bCBlde* the Artabki, who, though getgrapbicallT bclnigu^ to (he caunti7, won i^arded as a sepaiale pafple. The CallaIci Bracarii receiTed their name fromtbrir chief citjr, Bracaha Auocsta, and inbatalod the 8. of Gallaecia, from (he Dniina (Awro) up to tha HiDiua iMMoy. and the CallalOi Lioona llie H.