Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 2.djvu/278

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N GBINNE& tlaim to repramnt the Roinan eolonj of GraTiscae. If there ever existed an Etmscan town of the name, it ifl highly probable that it may have oocapied a •omewhat difierent site. (Dennis, EtruriOf vol. I pp. 387 — 395.) The annexed coin, with the Greek legend FPA, is commonly assigned to Graviscae; but this attri- bution, though admitted by Eckhel (rol. i. p. 92), is certainly erroneous. It belongs to some town of Apulia or Calabria, but its correct attribution has not yet been detennined. (Milliiigen, NunUtma^ Uque de Fltalie, pp. 1 48, 1 72.) [E. H. B.] GRUMUM. 1019 COnf ASSIONBD TO ORAVISGAE. GRINNES, a place in Northern Gallia, mentioned by Tacitus {ffisL v, 20) in his history of the insur- rection of Civilis. The Table places Grinnes on a road between Noriomagus (Jftftnegen) and Lug- dunum (Ldden). It is 18 M. P. from Noviomagus to Ad Duodecimum [Duodbcimum, Ad], and 9 M. P. from Ad Duodecimum to Grinnes. The next station after Grinnes is Caspingium, 18 M. P. It seems that hardly any two geographers agree about the site of Grinnes. Walckenaer has no doubt that it is Warich and Bochsteinf as he writes the names. The only thing tiiat is certun is, that we do not know where Gnnnes is. [G. L.] GRION (rpiov), a chain of mounUuns running parallel to Mount Latmos, on the western side of the Latmic bay, and eictending from the neighbourhood of Miletus to Euromus in Caria. (Strab. xiv. pi 635.) Some identified this range with that of Phthira. (Horn. //. ii. 868; Steph. B. «. v, *0ipa,) [L. S.] GRISELUM {Eth, Griselicus), a place in Gallia Narbonensis. Spon published an inscription found at the baths of UreoulXj near Riegj in the dopart- ment of Boitet Alpes. Greouix is near the right bank of the Verdonj a little above its junction with the jDttranoe. The inscription is " Nymphis xi. Griselicis." Papon made the ridiculous mistake of supposing that the numerals marked the number of ihesB water nymphs. Walckenaer observes that zi. M. P. is the exact distance between Greoubs and Beii (Riezy [G. L.] GRISSIA [Gerasus.] GROVII. [Gallakcia.] GRITDII, a people of North Gallia enumerated by Caesar (B,G. v. 39) as dependent on the Nervii, uid mentioned nowhere else. D^Anville finds the name in Groede or GrondCy the name of a small place and canton in CadsatUy in Zeeland. [G. L.] GRUII. [GAI.LAKCIA.] GRUMENTUM (Tpoififyrovi Eth. Grumentinus; 8aponara)y a city of Lucania, and one of the chief towns situated in the interior of that province. From its inland position it is evident that it was never a Greek settlement, and there is little doubt that it was a native Lucanian town ; but no mention occurs of it in history previous to the Second Punic War. Its name is first found in b. c. 215, when the Car- thaginian general Hanno was defeated under its walls by Tib. Sempronius Longus (Liv. xsiii. 37): and again in b. c. 207, when Hannibal himself, having broken up firom his winter quarters in Bruttium and marched into Lucania, established his camp at Gru- mentum, where he was encountered by the consul C. Claudius Nero, and sustained a slight defeat (Id. zzvii. 41, 42). Grumentum appears to have been at this time one of the Lucanian cities that had espoused the Carthaginian cause, and was there • fore at this time in the possession of Hannibal, but must have been lost or abandoned immediately after. We hear no more of it till the period of the Social War (b. c 90), when it appears as a strong and important town, in which the Roman praetor Lici- nius Grassus took refuge when defeated by M. Lam- ponius, the Lucanian generaL (Appian, B. C. i. 41.) But it would seem from an anecdote related by Se- neca and Macrobius that it subsequently fell into the hands of the allies, and withstood a long siege on the part of the Romans. (Senec. de Bm/ef. iii. 23; Macrob. i. 11.) It now became a Roman mtmicipinm, bat seems to have continued to be one of the few flourishing or considerable towns in the interior of Lucania. Strabo, indeed, terms it a small place (/uKph Koroucia^ vi. p. 254), and the Liber Coloniarum includes it among the towns of Lucania which held the rank of Prae- fecturae only. {^lAb. Col. p. 209.) But we learn from an inscription that it certainly at one time en- joyed the rank of a colony; and other inscriptions, in which mention is made of its local senate and va- rious magistrates, as well as the ruins of buildings still remaining, sufficiently prove that it must have been a place of consideration under the Roman Em- pire. (Mommsen, Inter. R, N. pp. 19 — 22 ; PUn. iii. 11. s. 15; Ptol. iil 1. § 70.) The Itineraries attest its existence down to the fourth century, and we learn from ecclesiastical records that it wa& an episcopal see as late as the time of Gregoiy the Great; hut the tune of its destruction is unknown. The site of Gramentum, which was erroneously placed by Cluverius at CkiaromorUef on the left bank of the Sinno or Siris, was first pointed out by Holstenius. Its ruins are still visible on the right bank of the river Agri (Aciris), about half a mile below the modem town of Saponara : they include the remains of an amphitheatre, with many walls and portions of buildings of reticiilated mascmiy, and the ancient paved street running through the midst of them. Numerous inscriptions have also been discovered on the site, as well as coins, gems, and! ^^ other minor objects of antiquity. (Cluver. Ital p.l^ 1279; Holsten. NoL ad Clwer. p. 288; Romanelli/ vol. i. pp. 399, 400; Mommsen, I, c. p. 19.) The position thus assigned to Grumentum — which is clearly identified by early ecclesiastical records-— agrees well with the distances given in the Itinersp ries, especially the Tabula, which reckons 15 M. P. from Potentia to Anxia (still called Anei)j and 18 from thence to Grumentum. (/itm. Ant p. 104 ; Tab. PeuL) Many of the other distances and stations in this part of the countiy being corrupt or uncertain, the point thus gained is of the highest importance for the topogra]^y of Lucania. [Luca- KiA.] At the same time its central position, near the head of the valley of the Aciris, sufiSciently ac- counts for Its importance in a military point of view. [E.H.B.] GRUMUM (Eth. Grumbestinns: Grumo), a town of Apulia, in the Peucetian territory, the name of which is presen'ed only in that of the modem vil' lage of GrumOy about 9 miles S. of BUonto (Butun- tum), and 14 SW. of Bari (Barium), where ancient remains have been found. But there is no doubt ^'j 'Z0. 1 ^