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cline either in the matter or manner of his works; indeed his last great book is a monument of historical scholarship, and contains several passages of splendid writing (see especially History of Sicily, iii. c. 8). Freeman raised the study of history in England to a higher level than that on which he found it, chiefly by inculcating the importance of a critical use of original authorities, of accuracy of statement, and of the recognition of the unity of history. He did good service to the public by his unsparing exposure of pretentious ignorance and his correction of popular errors in his reviews and other articles, and he gave the world some books which, praised as they are at present by all competent judges, will not be valued less highly by historical scholars of later generations.

A full list of Freeman's books and his articles in quarterly and monthly publications is given in his ‘Life and Letters.’ Besides pamphlets, lectures published singly, and contributions to books, periodical literature, and archæological journals, he wrote:

  1. ‘A History of Architecture,’ London, 1849.
  2. ‘Essay on … Window Tracery in England,’ Oxford, 1850.
  3. ‘Poems,’ with Mr. (now Rev. Sir) G. W. Cox, London, 1850.
  4. ‘History and Antiquities of St. David's,’ with William Basil Jones [q. v. Suppl.], later bishop of St. David's, Oxford, 1856.
  5. ‘History and Conquests of the Saracens,’ lectures delivered at Edinburgh in 1855, London, 1856; with a new preface, 1876.
  6. ‘A History of Federal Government,’ vol. i.—all published—London, 1863; republished and edited with additions by Professor J. B. Bury as ‘The History of Federal Government in Greece and Italy,’ London, 1893.
  7. ‘Old English History for Children,’ London, 1869; reissued with omission of ‘for children’ in title, 9th edit., revised, 1892.
  8. ‘History of the Cathedral Church of Wells,’ lectures with notes, London, 1870.
  9. ‘History of the Norman Conquest,’ 5 vols. and index vol., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1867-79; 2nd edit. vols. i-iii. 1870-5; 3rd edit. vols. i. and ii., 1877.
  10. -13. ‘Historical Essays,’ collected, first series, 1871; 2nd ser. 1873, 4th edit. 1892; 3rd ser. 1879; 4th ser. 1892—all London.
  1. ‘Growth of the English Constitution,’ London, 1872; French translation by M. A. Delahaye, Paris, 1877.
  2. ‘General Sketch of European History’ in Macmillan's ‘Historical Course for Schools,’ which was edited by Freeman, London, 1872.
  3. ‘Comparative Politics,’ lectures at the Royal Institution, London, 1874, 1896.
  4. ‘Disestablishment and Disendowment,’ London, 1874.
  5. ‘History of Europe’ in Macmillan's ‘History Primers,’ edited by J. R. Green, London, 1875.
  6. ‘Historical and Architectural Sketches,’ with illustrations from the author's drawings, London, 1876.
  7. ‘The Ottoman Power in Europe,’ London, 1877.
  8. ‘Short History of the Norman Conquest,’ Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1880.
  9. ‘Subject and Neighbour Lands of Venice,’ London, 1881.
  10. ‘Historical Geography of Europe,’ vol. i. text, vol. ii. maps, London, 1881, 1882.
  11. ‘Lectures to American Audiences,’ Philadelphia, London, 1882.
  12. ‘The Reign of William Rufus,’ 2 vols., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1882.
  13. ‘Some Impressions of the United States,’ London, 1883.
  14. ‘English Towns and Districts,’ addresses, &c., collected, London 1883.
  15. ‘Methods of Historical Study,’ Oxford lectures, London, 1886.
  16. ‘Chief Periods of European History,’ Oxford lectures, London, 1886.
  17. ‘Greater Greece and Greater Britain,’ lectures, London, 1886.
  18. ‘Exeter’ in ‘Historic Towns’ series, edited by Freeman and W. Hunt, London, 1887.
  19. ‘Fifty Years of European History,’ Oxford lectures, London, 1887.
  20. ‘William the Conqueror’ in Macmillan's ‘English Statesmen’ series, London, 1888.
  21. ‘Sketches from French Travel,’ Tauchnitz, Leipzig, 1891.
  22. ‘History of Sicily,’ 3 vols., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1891-2; vol. iv. edited by Mr. A. J. Evans, 1894.
  23. ‘Sicily’ in ‘Story of the Nations’ series, London and New York, 1892.
  24. ‘Studies of Travel’ (Greece and Italy), 2 vols., edited by Miss F. Freeman, London and New York, 1893.
  25. 'Studies of Travel’ (Normandy and Maine), edited by Miss F. Freeman, London, 1897.

[Dean Stephens's Life and Letters of Edward A. Freeman, 1895, 2 vols.; English Historical Review, July 1892, vii. 497 sqq., by Right Hon. Jas. Bryce; Somerset Archæol. and Nat. Hist. Soc.'s Proc. 1892, xxxviii. 370sqq.; Manchester Guardian, 18 March 1892; personal knowledge.]

FREMANTLE, THOMAS FRANCIS, first Baron Cottesloe (1798–1890), eldest son of Vice-admiral Sir Thomas Francis Fremantle [q. v.], who married at Naples, on 12 Feb. 1796, Elizabeth (d. 1857), daughter and coheir of Richard Wynne of Falkingham, Lincolnshire, was born in Bolton Row, Piccadilly, on 11 March 1798. He matriculated from Oriel College, Oxford, on 19 March 1816, and graduated B.A. in 1819, taking a first class in mathematics and a second in classics. On 14 Aug. 1821 he was created a baronet, out of respect to the memory of his father, who died on 19 Dec. 1819. As Sir Thomas Fremantle he entered parliament at the general election of 1826,