Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Sup. Vol II (1901).djvu/402

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was M.P. for Downpatrick in the conservative interest, and after his succession to the peerage (in 1856) he was under-secretary for war in Lord Derby's second administration (March 1858 to March 1859). He never held office again, but always remained a supporter of the conservative party. In 1868 he was appointed a trustee of the National Portrait Gallery, and in 1876 chairman of the trustees, an office which he actively filled till his death. Owing to his father's friendship with Sir Francis Grant (1803-1878) [q. v.] and Sir Edwin Henry Landseer [q. v.], he was brought up among artistic associations, and was himself no mean painter in water-colours. In 1847 his friends in England published a folio volume entitled 'Recollections of India,' consisting of twenty lithographs from his drawings made in India. The most interesting of these are portraits of Sikh chieftains and views of scenery in Kashmir, then an almost unknown country, which he visited in company with John Nicholson (1821-1857) [q. v.], afterwards the hero of Delhi. The originals hang among the military trophies of his father on the walls of South Park, near Penshurst. In 1891 he contributed a brief memoir of his father to the 'Rulers of India' series (Oxford, Clarendon Press).

Hardinge died at South Park on 28 July 1894, and was buried in the churchyard of Fordcombe, Kent. He married, on 10 April 1856, Lavinia, third daughter of Sir George Charles Bingham, third earl of Lucan [q. v. Suppl.], by whom he had a family of five sons and three daughters; she died on 15 Sept. 1864.

[Personal knowledge.]

HARDY, MARY ANNE, Lady (1825?–1891), novelist and traveller, was the only child of Charles MacDowell and Eliza, his second wife. She was born in Fitzroy Square. London, about 1825. Her father had died five months before, and she was entirely educated at home under her mother's superintendence. She became the second wife of Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy [q. v.] In recognition of her husband's services—he died in 1878—Lady Hardy received on 19 June 1879 a pension of 100l. a year from the civil list; it was augmented by 55l. on 5 February 1881.

Although Lady Hardy had always been fond of writing, she did not turn seriously to literature until after her marriage. Her first important novel, 'Paul Wynter's Sacrifice,' was published in 1869. It had a success, and was translated into French. A new edition came out in 1881. Her next novel, 'Daisy Nicholl' (1870), achieved a great success in America. In 1880 and 1881, respectively, Lady Hardy travelled in the United States. The tour brought forth two books, 'Through Cities and Prairie Lands: Sketches of an American Tour,' 1881, and 'Down South,' 1883. Lady Hardy wrote articles on social subjects and short stories for various journals and magazines. She died on 19 May 1891 at 124 Portsdown Road, London, and was buried at Willesden. A portrait, painted during her early married life, is in the possession of her daughter, Miss Iza Duffus Hardy. Other works are:

  1. 'War Notes from the Crimea,' 1855.
  2. 'The Artist's Family: an Historical Romance,' 1857.
  3. 'A Casual Acquaintance: a Novel founded on Fact,' 1866, 2 vols.
  4. 'A Hero's Work,' 1868, 3 vols.
  5. 'A Woman's Triumph,' 1872, 3 vols.
  6. 'Lizzie,' 1875, 3 vols.
  7. 'Madge,' 1898, 3 vols.
  8. 'Beryl Fortescue,' 1881, 3 vols.
  9. 'In Sight of Land,' 1885, 3 vols.
  10. 'A Dangerous Experiment,' 1888, 3 vols.
  11. 'A Buried Sin,' 1894, 3 vols.

[Allibone's Dict. Suppl. ii. 764; Times, 21 May 1891; Colles's Literature and the Pension List; private information.]

HARE, THOMAS (1806–1891), political reformer, born on 28 March 1806, was the only son of A—— Hare of Leigh, Dorset. On 14 Nov. 1828 he was admitted a student of the Inner Temple, and was called to the bar on 22 Nov. 1833. He practised in the chancery courts and from 1841 reported in Vice-chancellor Wigram's court. With Henry Iltid Nicholl and John Monson Carrow he edited the first two volumes (1840 and 1843) of 'Cases relating to Railways and Canals in the Courts of Law and Equity, 1835-1840.' His reports of cases adjudged by Wigram were published in eleven volumes (1843-1858), and rank as high authorities. He published in 1836 'A Treatise on Discovery of Evidence by Bill and Answer in Equity.' A second edition, 'adapted to the supreme court of judicature acts and rules 1873 and 1875,' was published by his eldest son, Sherlock Hare, in 1876. In 1872 he was elected a bencher of his inn. Hare was appointed inspector of charities on 22 Oct. 1853, and on 7 Dec. 1872 was created assistant commissioner with a seat at the board. On 21 Dec. 1887 he retired from official life. During these years he was engaged in reporting on the charities of the kingdom, those on London filling in a collected form the third volume of the reports of the Royal City Charities Commission. He was conspicuous for great industry, wide interest in life, and clearness of intellectual vision. He belonged to the Athenæum and Political