Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Sup. Vol II (1901).djvu/446

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lesley: 'I understand that it was impossible for anybody to behave better than he did throughout the terrible scene, to him novel, in which he was an actor. He was not only cool and collected, as he ought to have been throughout the action, but animated and anxious to a degree beyond what could have been expected from his former habits, and the indifference with which he always appeared to perform the ordinary duties of his profession; and he actually fell waving his hat and cheering his brigade on to the charge' (Suppl. Desp. vii. 134). A public monument was voted to him by parliament, and was placed in the north transept of St. Paul's.

[Gent. Mag. 1811, i. 679; Betham's Baronetage, 1801, i. 39; Records of the 8th Regiment (2nd edition), p. 280; Wellington Despatches (supplementary), iv. 383, vi. 574; Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns, iii. 87; Everard's History of the 29th Regiment.]

HOHENLOHE - LANGENBURG, Prince VICTOR of, Count Gleichen, 1833–1891. [See Victor.]

HOLDEN, HUBERT ASHTON (1822–1896), classical scholar, born in 1822, was a member of an old Staffordshire family. He was educated at King Edward's College, Birmingham, under Francis Jeune [q. v.] (afterwards bishop of Peterborough), and subsequently under James Prince Lee [q. v.] (afterwards bishop of Manchester). He proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge, and in his first year of residence, 1842, gained the first Bell university scholarship. He graduated B.A. in 1845, being senior classic, and junior optime in the mathematical tripos, and was fellow of Trinity College from 1847 to 1854; he was LL.D. in 1863. In 1848 he was ordained deacon, and took priest's orders in 1859. He discharged the duties of assistant tutor and classical lecturer of his college from 1848 until 1853, when he was appointed vice-principal of Cheltenham College, and continued in that post until 1858. From 1858 to 1883 he was head-master of Queen Elizabeth's School, Ipswich. In 1890 he was appointed by the crown to a fellowship of the university of London, in which he had been classical examiner from 1869 till 1874, and examiner in Greek from 1886 till 1890. In 1892 the degree of Litt.D. was conferred on him by Dublin University. He died on 1 Dec. 1896, at 20 Redcliffe Square, London, in his seventy-fifth year, and was buried on 5 Dec. at Highgate cemetery.

Holden, who was a classical scholar of fine taste and full knowledge, edited a number of classical works for students. Those by which he was best known are 'Foliorum Silvula: Selections for Translation into Latin and Greek Verse, chiefly from the University and College Examination Papers,' Cambridge, 1852 (four parts: pt. i. 2nd ed. 1888; pt. ii. 4th ed. 1890; pt. iii. 3rd ed. 1864); 'Foliorum Centuriæ,' 1852 (10th ed. 1888), a similar collection of pieces for translation into Latin and Greek prose, and 'Folia Silvulæ, sive Eclogæ Poetarum Anglicorum in Latinum et Græcum conversæ' (Cambridge, vol. i. 1865; vol. ii. 1870), containing select translations, by various hands, of pieces from the preceding volumes. All these were edited for the syndics of the Cambridge University Press. For the same body he edited Cicero's 'De Officiis' (1869; 6th ed. 1886; revised edition, 1898), and 'Pro Gnæo Plancio Oratio ad Judices' (1881); Xenophon's 'Cyropædeia' (3 vols. 1887-90); Plutarch's 'Lives of the Gracchi' (1885), 'Lucius Cornelius Sulla' (1885), 'Nicias' (1887), 'Timoleon' (1889), and 'Demosthenes' (1893); the 'Octavius' of Minucius Felix: the text newly revised from the original manuscript (1853); 'Thucydides, book vii.' (1891); the comedies of Aristophanes' (1848). He published, in collaboration with Richard Dacre Archer Hind, 'Sabrinæ Corolla in Hortulis Regiæ Scholæ Salopiensis continuerunt tres Viri Floribus Legendis' (1850; 4th ed. 1890), a collection of poetical extracts with translations into Latin or Greek. Holden edited also the following works for Macmillan's 'Classical Series:' Plutarch's 'Lives' of Pericles (1894) and Themistocles (1881; 3rd ed. enlarged, 1892); Xenophon's 'Hieron' (1883; 3rd ed. 1888) and 'Œconomicus' (1884; 4th ed. 1889); and Cicero's 'Pro Public Sestio' (1883; 3rd ed. 1889).

[Men of the Time, 14th ed. 1895; Times, 4 Dec. 1896; Luard's Cantabr. Grad.; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

HOLDEN, Sir ISAAC, bart. (1807–1897), inventor, born at Hurlet, near Paisley, on 7 May 1807, was the son of Isaac Holden, who was sprung from a race of yeomen in Allandale, Cumberland, but who migrated to Glasgow in 1801, and became headsman at the Wellington coal pit at Nitshill, between Paisley and Glasgow. His mother, Alice Holden, belonged to a Scots family named Forrest. His parents were very badly off, and Isaac began to earn at ten as 'draw-boy' to two weavers in the district. He next entered a cotton mill, where he laboured fourteen hours a day, and then maintained a regular attendance at the night school. When Isaac was fourteen his