Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Sup. Vol II (1901).djvu/88

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markable recognition of nearly simultaneous offers from Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and St. Andrews Universities of their degree of D.D. Cox accepted in 1882 the offer of the last-named, but found himself compelled after 1884 to resign his editorship because the breadth of his views had become displeasing to the proprietors of the magazine. Cox has stated that he was the writer of thirty volumes and the editor of twenty more. Among his more important works are : 1. 'The Secret of Life: being eight Sermons preached at Nottingham,' London, 1866, 8vo. 2. 'The Private Letters of St. Paul and St. John. By S. C.,' London, 1867, 8vo. This book, being enthusiastically reviewed by Dr. George Macdonald in the 'Spectator,' was Cox's first success as an author. 3. 'The Quest of the Chief Good: Expository Lectures on the Book Ecclesiastes. . . . By S. C.,' London, 1868, 8vo; this was rewritten for the 'Expositor's Bible' and published in 1890 as 'The Book of Ecclesiastes, with a New Translation.' 4. 'The Resurrection. Twelve Expository Essays on the Fifteenth Chapter of St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians,' London, 1869, 8vo. 5. 'Sermons for my Curates, by T. T. Lynch. Edited by S. C.,' London, 1871, 8vo. 6. 'An Expositor's Note-Book; or, Brief Essays on Obscure or Misread Scriptures,' London, 1872, 8vo. 7. 'Biblical Expositions; or, Brief Essays on Obscure or Misread Scriptures,' London, 1874, 8vo; this is 'virtually a second volume' of No. 6. 8. 'The Pilgrim Psalms, an Exposition of the Songs of Degrees,' London, 1874, 8vo. 9. 'The Book of Ruth. A Popular Exposition,' London, 1876, 8vo. 10. 'Expository Essays and Discourses,' London, 1877, 8vo. 11. 'Salvator Mundi; or, Is Christ the Saviour of all Men?' London, 1877, 8vo. Of all Cox's works this was the most widely read and the most influential. It was followed in 1883 by a sequel, 'The Larger Hope,' London, 16mo; in which the author defined his position with regard to universalism, and answered some of his critics. Among counterblasts to Cox's teaching may be mentioned ' The Doctrines of Annihilation and Universalism . . . With critical notes and a Review of "Salvator Mundi"' (London, 1881), by Thomas Wood. The postscript of this challenges Cox's impartiality as editor of the 'Expositor,' and affords an instance of the kind of complaints which brought about his resignation. 12. 'A Commentary on the Book of Job, with a Translation',' London, 1880, 8vo. 13. 'The Genesis of Evil, and other Sermons, mainly Expository,' London, 1880, 8vo. 14. 'Balaam: an Exposition and a Study,' London, 1884, 8vo. 15. 'Miracles: an Argument and a Challenge,' London, 1884, 8vo. 16. 'Expositions,' London, 1885, 8vo; this was continued till four volumes were issued. 17. 'The Bird's Nest and other Sermons for Children of all Ages,' London, 1886, 8vo. This volume occupies a unique position among collections of sermons for children. 18. 'The House and its Builder, with other Discourses,' London, 1889, 8vo. 19. 'The Hebrew Twins: a Vindication of God's Ways with Jacob and Esau. By S. Cox, D.D. Prefatory Memoir by his wife (Eliza Cox),' London, 1894, 8vo.

[The prefatory memoir of (19) above is the main authority for the facts of Cox's life. See also obituary notices in the Freeman, 7 April 1893; Independent, 6 April 1893; British Weekly, 30 March 1893; Christian World, 30 March 1893; Cox's prefatory matter in (5) and (18) above.]

COXWELL, HENRY (TRACEY) (1819–1900), aeronaut, youngest son of Commander Joseph Coxwell of the royal navy, and grandson of the Rev. Charles Coxwell of Ablington House, Gloucestershire, was born at the parsonage at Wouldham, on the Medway, on 2 March 1819. He went to school at Chatham, whither his family moved in 1822, and in 1836 he was apprenticed to a surgeon, dentist. His boyish imagination was greatly excited by balloons, and he spared no efforts to witness as many ascents as possible; among the aeronauts he admired and envied as a boy were Mrs. Graham, Charles Green, Cocking, and John Hampton. The successful voyage of the Nassau balloon from Vauxhall Gardens into Germany stimulated his enthusiasm, but it was not until 19 Aug. 1844 that he had an opportunity at Pentonville of making an ascent. In the autumn of the following year he projected and edited 'The Balloon, or Aerostatic Magazine,' of which about twelve numbers appeared at irregular intervals. In 1847, at Vauxhall, he ascended in Gypson's balloon in company with Albert Smith, during a heavy storm, the descent being one of 'the most perilous recorded in the annals of aerostation.' An enormous rent was discovered in the balloon, and the lives of the passengers were only saved by Coxwell's readiness in converting the balloon, as far as possible, into a parachute. In 1848 he was entrusted with the management of a balloon, the Sylph, in Brussels, and subsequently made ascents at Antwerp, Elberfeld, Cologne, and Johannisberg in Prussia; in 1849 he exhibited his balloon at Kroll's Gardens, Berlin, and demonstrated the ease with which petards