Page:Dramatic Moments in American Diplomacy (1918).djvu/171

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Lord Lyon, British Ambassador in Washington, to William H. Seward, Secretary of State, in the cabinet of Abraham Lincoln. It read more or less like a story book, and was embodied in instructions the ambassador received from home, which he was to give the Secretary. This is the way it went:

Foreign Office, Nov. 30, 1861.

My Lord:

"Intelligence of a very grave nature has reached Her Majesty's Government.

"This intelligence was conveyed officially to the knowledge of the admiralty by Commander Williams, agent for mails on board the contract steamer Trent.

"It appeared from the letter of Commander Williams, dated 'Royal Mail Contract Packet Trent, at sea, November, 9,' that the Trent left Havana on the 7th instant, with Her Majesty's mails for England, having on board numerous passengers. Commander Williams states that shortly after noon, on the 8th, a steamer having the appearance of a man of war, but not show-