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Geschichte des Baues der Gotthardbahn (Lucerne, 1885). For a general estimate of the commercial importance of the Simplon railway, see A. Miihring, Die Simplonbahn-eine verkehrswirthschaétliche Studie (Bern, 1907). For a technical description of the wor s for the Simplon tunnel see an article (also issued separately) by K. Pressel in vol. xlvii. of the Schweizerische Bauzeitung (Zurich), while similar details, as well as more general notices, relating to the Splugen tunnel are given in G. Bener and R. Herold, Studien zur Ostalpenbahnfrage (Zurich, 1907); and A. Mettler, Der Splugen als ostschweizerische Alpenbahn (Zurich, 1907). As to the jungfrau railway, see A. H. Guyer-Zeller, Das Projekt der fungfraubahn (Zurich, 1896, with atlas of plates); and S. Herzog, Die Jungfraubahn (Zurich, 1904). A special part of the Bibliographic der schweizer. Landeskunde is devoted to Swiss railways.

Economical: Trade and Commerce.—As to the general economical state of Switzerland, the older Volkswirthschafts-Lexi/can der Schweiz, by A. Furrer (Bern, 4 vols., 1885-ISQZ), may still be consulted with advantage, while naturally more up to date is N. Reichesberg's Handwiirterbuch der Schweiz. Volkswirthschaft, Socialpolitik und Verwaltung (Bern, since 1903). A very useful and well-arranged work is A. Le Cointe's Inventaire des institutions économiques et sociales de la Suisse d la jin du xixm” siecle (Geneva, 1900). W. H. Dawson's Social Switzerland (London, 1897), deals with matters rather from the social than from the strictly economical standpoint, but contains a variety of interesting information, while H. D. Lloyd's The Swiss Democracy (London, 1908), is rather more political. A very handy, trustworthy and admirable work of moderate size on Switzerland generally from an economical point of view is T. Geering and R. Hotz's Economic politique de la Suisse (Zurich, 1903, trans. of a German work issued in 1902)-the German only has the detailed bibliography. P. Clerget's La Suisse au xx”"'° siecle (Paris, 1908), is very useful. Other works relating to Swiss industries and commerce are T. Geering, Die Handelspolilik der Schweiz am Ausgang des xix. Jahrhunderts (Berlin, 1902); E. Hofmann, Die Schweiz als Industriestaat (Zurich, 1902); and H. Wartmann, Industrie und Handel der Schweiz im Jahrhundert (Bern, 1902). The following are historical monographs as to some of the principal Swiss industries: A. Burkli-Meyer, Die Geschichte der ziiricherischen Seidenindustrie (Zurich, 1894); H. Lehmann, Die aargauisclze Strohindustrie (Aarau, 1896); and A. Steinmann, Die ostschweizerische Stickerei-Industrie (Zurich, 1905); while the following deal rather with local centres of industry: H. V)/artmann, Industrie und Handel des Kantons St Gallen auf 1866 (St Gall, 1870, besides many reports as to local industry, 1708 to 1890); T. Geering, Handel und Industrie der Stadt Basel (Basel, 1886); A. Bachelin, L'Horlogerie neuchdteloise (Neuchatel, 1888); and A. Pfieghart, Die schweizerische Uhrenindustrie (Leipzig, 1908). A full technical and well-illustrated description of some of the chief industrial establishments in Switzerland is given in Die industrielle und kommerzielle Schweiz beim Eintritt ins xx. Jahrhundert (Zurich, since 1900); while B. de Cérenville's Le Systbme continental et la Suisse, 1803-1813 (Lausanne, 1906) treats of an interesting period in Swiss commercial history. Swiss mercantile law is expounded in A. Curti's Schweizerisches Handelsrecht (Zurich, 1903). For purely financial matters the Finanz Jahrbuch (Bern, from 1899), Contains much information of the latest date; while H. Ernst's Eine schweizerische Bundesbank (Winterthur, 1904) sketches the foundation of the Swiss National Bank that was successfully launched in 1907. G. Schanz's Die Steuern der Schweiz (5 vols., Stuttgart, 1890) is a remarkably complete and instructive work; while the later book by J. Steiger, Grundzuge des Finanzhaushaltes der Kantone und Gemeinden (2 vols., Bern, 1903)1 is specially devoted to taxes levied by the cantons and the communes, and is of the greatest utility in studying a very complicated subject. E. Naef's Tabakmonopol und Biersteuer (Zurich, IQ03), treats of two special sources of revenue in the Swiss financial system. The history of the Swiss coinage is admirably narrated, with many fine illustrations, by L. Coraggioni, in his Munzgeschuhte der Schweiz (Geneva, ISQ6), and is the chief authority on Swiss numismatics in general. As to the fine arts, the best general work on medieval Swiss architecture is J. R. Rahn's Geschichte der bildenden Kunste in der Schweiz (Zurich, 1876). The same author has also collected various of his art essays in his Kunst- und Wanderstudien in der Schweiz (Vienna, 1883), while he has described (alone or with the help of others) the chief art monuments in the various Swiss cantons these notices appeared in the Anzeiger fztr schweiz. Alterthumskunde (Zurich, from 1868), and for the cantons of Soleure, Ticino, Thurgau and Unterwalden, form, appendices which are really art monographs. An older and more special work on the same subject is ]. D. Blavignac's Histoire del'architecture sacrée du io@"'” au xéme siécle dans les anciens évéchés de Genizve, Lausanne, et Sion (Geneva, 1853). There are two general books on the special subject of Swiss castles-Mme de Montmo1ier's Les C/uiteaux suisses (1816-1823, new ed., later); and F. Kupfer's Burgen und Schlosser der Schweiz (n.d.). Many have now special monographs; so Habsburg (1896) and Lenzburg (IQ04)» both by W. Metz, whose later work Die mitteldtterlichen Burganlagen und Wehrbauten des Kantons Aargau (2 vols., Aarau, 1906) is a very complete treatise on the most castellated region of the country. For the Bernese castles we have E. L. C. Eden and A. von Fischer's Die Schlbsser d. Kant. Bern (Bern, about 1898). All the great churches of Switzerland have also been made the subject of monographs-so the Munster in Bern, by B. Haendcke and V. Muller (Bern, 1894); Lausanne, by E. Dupraz (Lausanne, 1906), &c. As to the wooden architecture so characteristic of Switzerland, consult E. G. Gladbach's Die Holz-Architektur der Schweiz (2nd ed., Leipzig, 1885-the same author has also issued several series of plates illustrating this subject). Domestic Swiss architecture in general is represented by J. Hunziker's Das Schweizerhaus (Aarau), which includes 4 vols. dealing respectively with the Valais (1900), Ticino (1902), the Grisons and Glarus (1905)» and the jura with most of the Suisse Romande (1907). A. Robida's Les Vieilles villes de Suisse (Paris, 1879) is a pleasantly written book. The biographies of Swiss artists are conveniently summarized in the Schweizerisches Kunstler-Lexikon (F rauenfeld, from 1902 onwards), the order followed being alphabetical, while full references to special works, are given in each case. For Swiss glass painting, see H. Meyer's Die schweizerische Sitte der Fenster- und Wappenschenkung vom xv. bis xvii. Jahrhundert (Frauenfeld, 1884); and B. I-laendcke's Die schweiz. Malerei im xvi. Jahrhundert unter Berucksichtigung der Glasmalerei, des Formschnittes, und des Kupferstiches (Aarau, 1893); while Swiss fresco painting is treated of in Konrad Escher's Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Wand- und Dcckenmalerei in der Schweiz vom ix. bis zum Anfang des xvi. Iahrhundcrts (Strassburg, 1906); while the town shields are depicted in P. Kupfer's Armorial des 'villes suisses (Basel, 1885); and their seals in E. Schulthess's Die Stddte- und Landes-Siegel der Schweiz (Zurich, 1853). Early Swiss heraldry is historically described in P. Ganz's Geschichte d. herald. Kunst in der Schweiz im und xiii. Jahrhundert (Frauenfeld, 1899). The Swiss Renaissance is dealt with by G. Schneeli, Renaissance in der Schweiz (Munich, 1896); while ]. H. Heer in his Die schweiz. Malerei des xix. Jahrhunderts (Leipzig, 1905), has printed his lectures relating to most of the best-known modern Swiss painters. Many splendid series of reproductions in various departments of Swiss art have appeared, two of the most striking being the three series of Handzeichnungen schweizerischer Meister des xv.-xoiii. Jahrhunderts (Basel, from 1904); and the Kunstdenkmdler der Schweiz (2nd series, Geneva, from 1901), to which we may add R. Anheisser's Altschweizerische Baukunst (Bern, 1906*-1907); R. Hinderer, Alte sch-weizer Bauweise (Frankfort, 1907); and the four series (Bern, 1883-1887) of E. von Rodt's Kunstgeschichtliche Denkmdler der Schweiz. The most artistic and accurate reproductions of Swiss costumes are the thirty-six coloured plates, drawn after originals, published by Fr. Julie Heierli (Zurich, 1897, sqq.), under the title of Die schweizer T rachten 'vom xoii.-xix. Jahrhundert.

b. History.—The great collection (officially published in 32 vols., 1858-1905) entitled Amtliche Sammlung der altern eidgenossischen Abschiede contains all the recesses of the Diet, &c., from 1245 to 1848, and is absolutely indispensable. A series of selected extracts from chroniclers, documents, &c., is given in W. Oechsli's Quellenbuch zur Schweizergeschichte (2 vols. 2nd ed. of vol. i. 1901, and 1st ed. of vol. ii., Zurich, 1893). The texts (with short introductions) of all the Federal Constitutions from 1798 onwards are conveniently collected in S. Kaiser and ]. Strickler's Geschichte und T exte der Bundesverfassungen der schweiz. Eidgenossenschaft von 1798 bis zur Gegenwart (Bern, 1901). The texts of the early alliances (1291-1513) are reprinted in ]. von Ah's Die Bundesbriefe der alien Eidgenossen (Einsiedeln, 1891), while a commentary on all the Federal Constitutions from 1291 (with reprints of certain texts) is furnished by C. Hilty in his Die Bundesoerfassungen der schweiz. Eidgenossenschaft (Bern, 1891; also in French). For more recent documents and laws see the Amtliche Sarnmlung der Bundesgesetze (from 1849 onwa.rds), which are conveniently arranged and classified by P. Wolf in his Die schweizerische Bundesgesetzgebung (2nd ed., 3 vols., Basel, 1905-1908). G. von Wyss's Geschichte der Historingraphie in der Schweiz (Zurich, 1895) is an admirable guide to the works and lives of all Swiss historians up to about 1850, while all articles (published in Swiss periodicals from 1812 to 1900) relating to the subject are most carefully indexed and classified in J. L. Brandstetter and H. Barth's Repertorium uber die in Zeit- und Sammelschriften enthaltenen Aufsdtze und Mitteilungen schweizergeschichtlichen Inhaltes (2 vols., Basel, 1892 and 1906).

The latest revised texts of the Federal Constitution and (often) of the cantonal constitutions can be procured separately, but the last official collection of all in one volume dates from 1891 (Recueil des constitutions fédérales et cantanales), since which time many changes have been made. These can generally be discovered, and much valuable present-day knowledge of Swiss matters gained, in C. Hilty's Politisches .Iahrbuch der Schweizer. Eidgenossenschajt (published at Bern annually since 1886).

The best general recent histories are J. Dierauer, Geschichte der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft (3 vols., up to 1648, Zurich, 1887-1907 to be continued), which gives in detail the original authorities and the statements of modern writers for every point; W. D. McCrackan, The Rise of the Swiss Republic (2nd ed., New York, 1901), and B. van Muyden, Histoire de la nation suisse (3 vols., Lausanne, 1896-1899). Some of the older histories (such as those of Daguet and Dandliker) may still be consulted with advantage, while W. Oechsli's