Page:Edinburgh Review Volume 158.djvu/593

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580 Index.

Fearless, 179 — alliance between Philip of Burgundy and Henry V., 180 — influence of the warfare of the period on the course of the struggle, 183 — weakness of the coalition, 185 — devotion of France to Charles, 187 — the Maid of Orleans, 188 — her first audience with the king, 189 - eye-witness's sketch of her in the field, 190 — Congress of Arras, 190 — scene at the signature of the treaty, 193 — special faults of Charles's character, 194 — his misgovernment, 195 — administration of La Tremoille, 196 — noble demeanour of the States-General, 196 — M. de Beaucourt's reflections on the monarchical principle, 197.

Chopin contrasted with Schubert, 487 — traits of his character, 489 — his relations with George Sand, 492 — his treatment of the piano-forte, 494 — qualities of his music, 497.

Colquhoun, A. R. See Tonquin.

Copernicus, Dr. Prowe's life of, 295 — his disputed nationality, 299 — parentage and birth, 301 — the town of Thorn, 302 — studies at the University of Cracow, 304 — obtains the canonry of Frauenburg, 306 — studies canon law at Bologna, 307 — and medicine at Padua, 308 — his life in the Castle of Heilsberg as his uncle's medical attendant, 310 — translates Theophylactus Simocatta, 313 — miserable fate of his brother Andrew, 315 — the canonry of Frauenburg, 316 — astronomical investigations there, 317 — the 'triquetrum,' 318 — war of the Frankish troopers, 319 — scheme for the reform of the Prussian coinage, 321 — administrative abilities, 322 — medical knowledge, 323 — intimacy with Rheticus, 326 — completion of the work on the revolutions of the heavenly bodies, 327 — death-bed scene, 328 — dishonest preface of Osiander, 829 — the Copernican system, 330.


Drama, passion for the, in ancient Greece, 57 — historical development of, in France and Germany, 58 — ' Dialogues ' of Hrostwitha, 59 — displacement of Latin by the vernacular, 60 — the ' Miracles de Notre Dame,' 61— plot of ' Robert le Diable,' 62— the 'Mystères Cycliques,' 62 — stage demons, 63 — Italy, 64 — Spain, 65 — Poland. 66 — Slavonia, 67 — English ' disguisings,' 68 — ' interludes ' and ' masques,' 69 — Latin school plays, 70 — stage-players in the time of Elizabeth, 71 — restrictions on account of the plague, 72 - extra-municipal houses, 73 — strolling players, 74 — origin of the Shakespearian clown, 76 — rivalry of Killigrew and Davenant, 77 — influence of Shakespeare on dramatic tastes, 79 — English plays of the present, 81 — moral aspect of stage life, 83 — Rachel and the Czar, 89.


English law, M. Glasson's history of, 118 — Germanic origin of our common law : conservative influence of the ocean, 121 — work of Alfred the Great, 123 — origin of trial by jury, 124 — the ordeal, 125 — the wer-geld, 125 — effect of the Norman Conquest, 127 — the judicial combat, 180 — feudal tenures, 132 — knight's service, 133 — aids, 133 — reliefs, wardship and marriage, 134 — villenage, 135 —