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since the action of , , and on , and , has to be considered each time. It is now

so that by the aforementioned expression it only remains


Those forces represented by the first two members would also exist, when , and the last two members are independent of the charged body K. An action of K exerted on the conductor as such, doesn't exist.

Besides, in each of the four members (30), the part that depends on is of second order. We already know this from , since this represents an electrostatic effect. and , however, represent forces acting on a current, in which the mean electric density is zero. As it can be seen from (Va), such forces are determined by the value of , which belongs to the acting system. Inasmuch as (that belongs to ) depends on , it is of second order (§ 25), and the compensation charge A only produces by its velocity a magnetic force of second order, since its density already contains the factor .

Electrodynamic actions.

§ 27. The question as to how these effects are influenced by earth's motion, can now easily be answered. If we denote the currents in two conductors by and , and the corresponding compensation charges by A and , then the action exerted on the second conductor is

in which the last two terms are mutually canceled. That and the -dependent part are of order , follows from considerations such as those communicated above.