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the surfaces — introduce the coordinates of the point P that lies in . Thus it is allowed to say, that and are the values at the limiting-surface and that the previous formula expresses the continuity of .

Similar formulas as equations (Ic) and (51) are emerging from (); namely for the interior of a body


and for the limiting-surface


§ 44. From fundamental equation () we derive


or, be means of the definition



This derivation is true for the interior of a body. To arrive at the limiting condition, we note at first, that (§ 4, h) (by the equation () for an arbitrary surface , with the borderline s)

and thus also


Now we lay through the point p (Fig. 1 and 2) a plane, that contains the perpendicular of the borderline and the arbitrary direction h tangential to , and choose as surface the part of this plane, that lies between and and which is limited by two lines parallel to that perpendicular. If the length of this layer in the direction h is of order l (§ 39), then we may neglect all magnitudes of order a and we obtain from (52)


where the indices 1 and 2 have the same meaning as above. For the two components of we may take at this place the values in point P again, and thus the equations says, that the tangential components of vector were steady.