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always remains the same vector; thus must remain unchanged, which is only possible when this vector has the direction of . With respect to the linear character of the sought relation, we consequently have to set

, (65)

where is a scalar constant.

The second vector occurring in (62), has the following properties. First, its components are homogeneous, linear functions of as well as from . Second, after an arbitrary rotation of the figure consisting of the three vectors and , must still fit to and . By that we derive[1]

, (66)

where k is a positive or negative constant, which by the way, as above, can also depend on the oscillation period T.

  1. If we decompose into two components and , then it follows from the first mentioned property of

    It is assumed, that falls into the direction of , and is perpendicular to it. If we now rotate the figure (consisting of and ) around an axis that falls into , and stay were they are, and thus may not change as well. Consequently, this vector must have the direction of and . That


    can be shown in addition, by means of a rotation of 180° around an axis perpendicular to and . In the course of this rotation, the vector would obtain the opposite direction; yet it shouldn't be changing, because both vectors and change their sign.

    To find out the direction of , we turn the figure (which is formed by this vector with and ) around an axis perpendicular to the plane or , namely around 180°. Here, and go over into and ; the vector thus may not be changed, which is only possible when it has the direction of the axis.

    Thus the vector — and thus by (67) also the vector — is perpendicular to the plane ; its magnitude is proportional to the values of and . Both we have expressed in (66).