Page:Elektrische und Optische Erscheinungen (Lorentz) 112.jpg

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is the energy flux, under

the difference calculated for the unit time, and under

the difference calculated for the element dt, of the energy fluxes through two fixed surfaces that are mutually distant by the length ε.

Now, let be the energy, which at time t is more surrounded by our surface in its fixed location, as when this surface would be displaced by in the direction of ; then we immediately see, that


By that, and furthermore by partial integration, (108) is transformed into




since, except magnitudes of order , Q has again the original value after the expiration of time T.

§ 82. Until now, we only spoke about the first member in (107). If we denote the two other members by A, then we have

the complete value of the energy, that travelled outwards through . If we add the increase of the energy in the interior of , and the work of the forces, by which the