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shih of 1802 who served as president of the Board of Ceremonies (1838–44).

There are at least three chronological biographies, or nien-p'u, of Kung Tzŭ-chên: one compiled by Wu Ch'ang-shou 吳昌綬 (T. 印丞, 伯宛, H. 松隣, chü-jên of 1897), reprinted in 1935; another by Huang Shou-hêng 黃守恆; a third by Chu Chieh-ch'in 朱傑勤 and printed in the 周行月刊 Chou-hsing yüeh-k'an (No. 1). A supplement to the first was prepared by Chang Tsu-lien (see above) under the title, Ting-an nien-p'u wai-chi (外紀), printed in 1921 in Chang's Chüan-ching lou ts'ung-k'o.

[1/491/12b; 2/73/37b; 6/49/13a; Kong Shou-chêng, 季思自訂年譜 Chi-ssŭ tz'ŭ-ting nien-p'u; Ch'ien Mu, Chung-kuo chin san-pai nien hsüeh-shu shih (char. same as in bibl. under Hui Tung); 廣州學報 Kuang-chou hsüeh-pao, vol. 1, nos. 1, 2 (Jan.–Apr., 1937); Quarterly Journal of Liberal Arts, Wuhan University, vol. 1, no. 4 (Jan. 1931); Juan Yüan [q. v.], Liang-Chê yu-hsüan-lu, hsü-lu; Wang T'ao [q. v.], Ying-juan tsa-chih, chüan 5; idem Sung-pin so-hua 5/1a; Chekiang Provincial Library, 文瀾學報 Wên-lan hsüeh-pao, vol. 2, nos. 3–4 (Dec. 1936), pp. 15–22, 23–24, 70–71.]

Fang Chao-ying

K'UNG Kuang-sên 孔廣森 (T. 衆仲, 撝約, H. 顨[巽]軒), 1752–1786, scholar, a native of Ch'ü-fu, Shantung, was a descendant of Confucius in the seventieth generation. His grandfather, K'ung Ch'uan-to 孔傳鐸 (T. 振路, d. 1735, age 63 sui), inherited the title, Duke Yen-shêng 衍聖公 in 1723. His father, Kung Chi-fên 孔繼汾 (T. 體儀, H. 止堂, d. 1786, age 62 sui), was a chü-jên of 1747 and the author of the 闕里文獻考 Ch'üeh-li wên-hsien k'ao, 100 + 1 chüan, printed in 1762—a comprehensive work on Confucius, his descendants, his disciples, and his philosophy. Kung Kuangsên became a chü-jên in 1768 at the age of seventeen sui. Three years later (1771) he became a chin-shih and a member of the Hanlin Academy, and was later appointed a corrector. His mother died in 1777. Although he resumed his official duties when the mourning period was over, he retired soon after. Before long his family became involved in a law suit, which made it necessary for him to go to many places for help. He was in Honan on this matter in 1785 when he met Pi Yüan [q. v.]. There he became acquainted with many scholars who were on Pi Yüan's secretarial staff, among them Sun Hsing-yen and Hung Liang-chi [qq. v.]. Early in the winter of the following year (1786) Kung Kuang-sên died—a few months after the decease of his father.

K'ung Kuang-sên was an ardent student of the classics, especially in matters relating to the Kung-yang school of the Spring and Autumn Annals. He was the first scholar in the Ch'ing period to study the Kung-yang interpretations, but his influence was negligible. Chuang Ts'un-yü [q. v.] is regarded as the real founder of the Kung-yang school which flourished in the later Ch'ing period.

Although K'ung Kuang-sên lived a short life of only thirty-four years he left seven works, which were printed during the years 1792–1814, first by his younger brother, K'ung Kuang-lien 孔廣廉 (T. 靜吾), and then by his son, K'ung Fu-ch'ien 孔服虔 (T. 元敬), a chin-shih of 1801. These works were brought together under the general title 顨軒孔氏所著書 Hsün-hsüan K'ung-shih so-chu shu. The following five of the seven titles relate to the classics: 公羊春秋經傳通義 Kung-yang Ch'un-ch'iu ching-chuan t'ung-i, 12 chüan; 大載禮記補注 Ta-Tai Li-chi pu-chu, 14 chüan; 詩聲類 Shih shêng lei, 13 chüan; 禮學卮言 Li-hsüeh chih-yen, 6 chüan; and 經學卮言 Ching-hsüeh chih-yen, 6 chüan. The other two titles are 少廣正負術內外篇 Shao-kuang chêng-fu shu nei-wai p'ien, 6 chüan—a work on mathematics; and 駢儷文 P'ien-li wên, 3 chüan, his collected prose in the balanced, or p'ien-li style. All of these works, some of them in abbreviated form, appear in various collectanea. K'ung Kuang-sên was also an accomplished calligrapher.

[1/487/25a; 3/129/36a; 29/6/16a; 山東通志 Shan-tung t'ung-chih (1915) 172/15a; Ch'üeh-li wên-hsien k'ao 10/6a, 100/1b.]

Tu Lien-chê

K'UNG Shang-jên 孔尚任 (T. 聘之, 季重, H. 東塘, 岸塘, 云亭山人), Nov. 1, 1648–1718 Feb. 14, scholar and dramatist, a native of Ch'ü-fu, Shantung, was a descendant of Confucius in the sixty-fourth generation. His father, K'ung Chên-fan 孔貞璠 (T. 用璞), was a chü-jên of 1633. K'ung Shang-jên built a studio in the Shih-mên hills (石門山) about fifty li north-east of Ch'ü-fu, which he styled Ku-yün ts'ao-t'ang 孤雲草堂 "The Lonely Cloud Villa." There he remained several years, until 1682, to devote himself to study. In 1684 he completed the compilation of